Page 39 of Ignite

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Hours later he padded into the kitchen to get a drink of water. She was asleep in his bed, naked. The sheet was tangled between her legs, and her breasts were exposed. He stood in the doorway of the bedroom gazing at her. She stirred and turned, exposing her back and buttocks. The hair fell away from her neck, and he felt compelled to kiss it, causing her to wake.

“I had the most wonderful dream,” she mumbled.

“What about?”

“We were at your parent’s house in Lake George, and you asked me to marry you. Then it skipped months later, and we were getting married there.”

“Do you want that?”

Ava sat up in bed and turned to him. She was fully awake now.

“I would be lying if I said no. But I want to get to know you again before that happens. Despite our family’s connection to each other we only were together for three months. But it was a wonderful three months. I want that again even though we had some pretty rough times.”

“We will have that again. I don’t want to promise anything because I promised you before and look what happened. But I will say with all my heart that I will make it happen for us.” She reached out to stroke his stubbled chin.

Xander got back into bed beside her and pulled her against him. They fell asleep facing each other with their hands locked together.

The next morning Ava woke up alone in bed. The clock read 6:15. She figured that Xander went for a morning run. Ten minutes later he entered the apartment in a soaked t-shirt and shorts. The shirt clung to his muscular chest, and she could see the outline of his abs.

“Don’t you look delectable this morning.”

Xander looked himself up and down.

“Me? I’m all sweaty. It’s very humid even for this time of the morning.”

“Are you coming back to bed?” She watched him strip off his clothes.

“I can’t. I have to work today.”

Ava gave him a look of disappointment.

“I’m sorry, but I was already on the schedule. Maybe I can get out a little early.”

Ava got out of bed and began pulling on her clothes.

“You don’t have to leave.”

“I think I would be more comfortable in my room at the inn. Can you drop me off on your way to work?”

Xander knew that she was upset, but he chose not to say anything.

“Yeah, I can do that. It’s on the way to the lumberyard. Can we have dinner tonight?”

“Rachel should be back late this afternoon. Do you mind if I bring her along?”

Xander really wanted it to be the two of them, but he loved Rachel.

“If she wants to come, that’s fine. I need to catch up some more with her. Are you at least going to sleep over tonight?”

Ava smiled at him. “I think that can be arranged.”

Xander dropped her off on his way to work just before 7:30. She chastely kissed him on the cheek before she got out of his truck. He winked at her as he pulled away from the curb. She went to her room not realizing how exhausted she was until she lay down on her bed. Instantly, she was asleep only to be woken up an hour later by knocking on her door. She dragged herself off the bed to answer the door and was surprised by who was there.

“I thought you had to work?”

“Well, when I explained to my boss that there was a special girl in town only until tomorrow, he told me to go home. So here I am.”

Ava invited him into the room.

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