Page 32 of Ignite

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Chapter 10

Xander gotinto his truck after changing his wet clothes from the morning run and talking with Ava. He had to pick up supplies for the lumberyard. Bill’s eyesight wasn’t the greatest, and with the rain, it was better that Xander make the drive. It was a perfect scenario for him because the long drive would give him time to think about what he would say to Ava.

Beautiful Ava; he couldn’t get her out of his mind. Her wet clothing had clung to her from the rain. Her body and face had matured since they had dated. He was actually relieved to hear that she had not been with another man sexually. She was his and her body fit him like a glove.

He didn’t want another man putting his hands on her. It always seemed that he met her when her relationships were new. Though he doubted this one would end like the last one, hoping that he wouldn’t have to fight for her. But he would. He knew that.

He thought about her during the entire drive to Syracuse, almost missing the exit because his mind was so immersed in her. He couldn’t wait to see her tomorrow. The anticipation of being next to her and inhaling her scent made him crazy. He wished he could have done it today, but he had obligations.

When Xander was finished packing up the supplies in his truck, it was nearing two o’clock. It was over a two and a half hour drive without traffic. If he hit any weekender traffic, then it would take him much more time to get home. He wanted to see Ava and waiting for tomorrow wasn’t going to work for him. He took the ramp onto I-81 North hoping he wouldn’t hit traffic, but he did.

By the time he pulled off of onto the Saratoga Springs exit, it was well after six o’clock. He still needed to stop by the lumber yard and unload. That would take him close to an hour or so. He texted Ava. At first, he put “Sweetheart” at the beginning of the text but decided against it. She wasn’t his yet, and she might not like his previous reference to her.

Ava, I’m back in Saratoga. Would you like to get together tonight? I know it’s a bit late. I wasn’t sure what you were doing with Rachel. You can say no, but I hope you don’t. Wish you wouldn’t.

Ava was sittingon her bed in her pajamas studying for the bar exam when her phone alerted her to a text. She read it and looked over at Rachel who was going through some of her notes on the client for tomorrow.

“What?” Rachel asked when she noticed Ava staring at her.

Ava handed her the cell phone. Rachel smiled at her.

“Get dressed. You have been driving me crazy with your nervous energy. You know you want to see him. If you don’t come back tonight, I know it went well.”

Rachel must have been reading Ava’s mind. But she didn’t think it was a good idea to get involved physically with Xander before they discussed everything. Underneath all the hair and moral façade, she hoped he was still the same man who she was parted from four years ago.

Come get me. Any idea where you would like to go?

Ava hurriedly pulledon her clothing, hoping he would take her to his little apartment. She wore a pair of her favorite worn jeans with holes in the knees, pulled on an NYU t-shirt and put her hair up in a ponytail. She had a reason for this. Xander could never resist her neck. He had always nibbled on it and deep down she was hoping that would be the result. She put on mascara, lip gloss and a few dabs of perfume. A quick look in the mirror and a twirl for Rachel told her that this outfit was better than any sexy dress. Xander lived the simple life now, and he wouldn’t want her to come in her fanciest clothes.

I’m just finishing unloadingmy truck. I should be there in about twenty minutes.

For Ava, that twenty minutes seemed like a lifetime. The lumberyard was a half mile away, and she wanted to run it but didn’t want to get sweaty. It was still hot and humid out even at this hour. She paced the room while avoiding Rachel’s steely looks of annoyance. Eventually, Rachel shooed her out of the room, and she went to sit on the front porch of the inn.

The sidewalk was busy with tourists. This was prime vacation season, and there was plenty to do in Saratoga during the summer. She only waited a few minutes before Xander waved to her from his old pickup truck. He pulled into the parking lot of the inn, and she went to meet him there just as he was getting out of his truck.

She wanted to hug him, but he declined.

“I’m sorry, Ava. I’m dirty from loading and unloading all those supplies. Would you mind if we went to my apartment so I can shower? Then we can go anywhere you like. We could go to a restaurant if you haven’t already eaten?”

“We can go to your apartment. I already had dinner with Rachel about two hours ago. Since that woman got pregnant, she seems to eat all the time.”

“Rachel is pregnant? How far along is she? She didn’t look pregnant to me when I saw her.”

“She’s barely two months, so she is not going to show. Soon enough she will be showing.”

Xander wanted to ask her how she felt about Rachel being pregnant but he let it go. It would be a conversation for another time. He climbed into the truck and had to tell her to belt herself. It bothered him that after the accident she still didn’t use her seatbelt. Xander drove through the streets of Saratoga towards his apartment. Ava knew the way as he turned down each street since she had been there earlier that day. She hoped that he hadn’t noticed that she had been there.

They were both silent as they made the short drive from the inn to his place. She watched the muscles ripple in his arms as he turned the wheel to go into the drive. Her stomach started to knot as he pulled into the garage below his apartment. She started to get out of the truck, and he was right there at her door when she stepped down. He let her walk up the stairs first. Then he reached around her and unlocked his door. Even sweaty and dirty he smelled wonderful.

“Have a seat on the couch while I shower. I won’t be long. If you want something to drink, help yourself. I have water, Gatorade, soda.”

I know.

She watched him go down the hall to the bathroom. Five minutes later he came out of the bathroom in a towel sitting low around his waist. She looked at him hungrily.

Holy Hell, he is more cut than he was when we were together.

His six pack had become a twelve pack. Every muscle finely cut and chiseled out of his stomach. His arms were lean and cut. Ava ogled his backside through the towel as he went back down the hall into his bedroom. She noticed that he had not shut the door. She didn’t know if that was an invitation or he was just absentminded. She decided he was absentminded. Probably not used to having people in his apartment.

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