Page 25 of Ignite

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“It certainly sounds like you are suggesting something and I don’t feel comfortable with it.”

“I promise we won’t do anything. I just want to hold you tonight. What happened to building a relationship with me?”

“We’ve only been on one date, and you promised to take it slow with me.”

“And I have, but it’s hard not to want to be with you.”

Ava again rose from her chair, and she removed his hand from her wrist. “I have to go. We can talk about this when I get back.”

Tim reluctantly agreed and walked her out to the street where he hailed a cab. “Call or text me to let me know where you are during the day.” It sounded more like a demand than a request. She didn’t say anything but just nodded a little as she crawled into the back seat.

On the cab ride home, she was bewildered by his attitude. She would be sure to discuss it with Rachel tomorrow to see what she thought.

* * *

The next day, she woke up at 5:00 AM. Rachel was picking her up at 6:30. The drive to Montreal would take almost seven hours, and they wanted to get there to have a late lunch. She quickly showered, fed the boys and did a last minute check of her clothing, cosmetics, and toiletries. During the scan, she realized that she had forgotten to pack something for sleeping. She went through her drawer, and her hand grasped a t-shirt, his t-shirt. Despite how upset she was about his leaving her, she had started sleeping in it when she found it in the suitcase he had brought to her apartment.

In the beginning, it smelled of him and his cologne. She wore it until only her scent remained and then she washed it. She realized that his smell had disappeared as quickly as he had. It had become threadbare in spots, but she cherished it the way a child would cherish their favorite stuffed toy. She couldn’t wear it in Montreal. She was sharing a room with Rachel, and the fabric had become so thin that you could see through it. Instead, she chose a couple of pairs of lightweight pajamas. Rachel had seen her in these during many of their girl sleepovers so it wouldn’t be a surprise.

At exactly 6:25, Rachel texted her that she was waiting in front of her building. Ava hugged the two cats and lugged her bag to the elevator. She thought maybe she over packed, and she probably had.

The heat was already oppressive, and Ava was glad that they would be going northward. The temperatures would probably cool as they got closer to Canada.

Rachel greeted her warmly and asked, “How are you this fine morning?”

“You’re chipper this morning.”

“I have no idea why. I haven’t had coffee this morning.”

“Why not? You always have two cups before you get your day started.”

Rachel looked at her not sure if she should reveal the secret she was holding. But it turned out that she didn’t have to say a word.

Ava clamped her hand over her mouth.

“No! Are you kidding me? When did you find out?”

“I’ve only known for a couple of weeks now,” she said apologetically. “I’m sorry for not telling you. I know how hard it is for you.”

“Rachel, I’m used to it. Look at everyone around me. Sandra, Brooke, Alicia and now you. It’s a part of life I cannot share, but that doesn’t mean I’m not happy for you.”

“Thank you for saying that. Rigo is worried and said this would be the last trip that I would be taking before the baby is born. I told him not to be ridiculous. I’m only two months along, and we have more clients than he can travel to alone. We have a business to run, and the doctor said I could fly up to my eighth month as long as I have no complications. I think he is getting ahead of himself.”

“Just take it easy, Rachel, you know how you get when it comes to work. You can’t work late and get little sleep. That’s not good for the baby.”

“I know, I promise. Are we all ready to go?”

“I am if you are.”

Rachel pulled the Volvo SUV out into the almost empty street and navigated to the highway. The roads were clear at this early hour. With little traffic, Rachel was able to get to the halfway mark by 9:40 AM. That was when the trouble started.

The SUV started to shudder upon acceleration. Rachel slowed down to see if the vehicle would stabilize, but when she did the engine started to smoke. She pulled over, and they both jumped out worried about an engine fire. When she went to open the hood, Ava pulled her away.

“I’ll do it. You’re pregnant, now stand back.”

Rachel stood back, and Ava popped the hood lifting it up and securing it. Black smoke billowed from the engine.

“It smells like rubber burning,” Ava said.

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