Page 131 of Ignite

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“If I did, then I would never have left, and it would have been hard for us. Your father was so angry, and it caused a rift between him and my parents. I never wanted that. The relationship improved after I disappeared. I never wanted to hurt you. You’ve seen the journals, sketch pad and my apartment with your pictures. I couldn’t get you out of my mind. I needed something to vent my frustration over being apart from you. But I also needed to give you time to adjust to my leaving. I hoped and didn’t hope that you found someone if you can understand that.”

“Believe me; I tried to do it but I couldn’t. I felt like I was betraying you. The email that Tim sent was devastating and I just went off the rails. I was barely handling you leaving once but to have it again was too much.”

“I want you to come home with me. Now.” She rose, and he followed her.

In the cab, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. They kissed passionately, and his hand fisted her hair pulling her chin up so he could have access to her neck. He sucked at it and marked her. She stroked him through his pants until he stopped her. Any more and he would have come. His hand caressed her legs and moved under her skirt. He pushed her legs apart, and his hand slipped under the panel of her panties. She was soaked, and he stuck his fingers in her while using his thumb to rub her clit.

“Be quiet, or I will have to stop,” he whispered.

She bit her lip to stifle a moan. He pressed his lips hard against her mouth and kissed her, sucking on her bottom lip. He felt her climax as it took hold and squeezed his fingers. She whimpered but not loud enough to alert the driver. After she had finished, he withdrew his fingers and sucked on them. She slumped against him trying to recover. Several blocks later the cab was pulling up to her building, and they got out, hurrying to the elevator. Two other people entered with them, and Xander leaned in to whisper in her ear.

“I’m going to fuck you the minute we get in the door.”

She looked at him, green eyes shining and mouthed, “Yes, fuck me.”

The couple in the elevator car with them took painfully long to exit on the fourth floor. Ava was so full of anticipation that she gently swayed from side to side. She couldn’t wait for him to be inside her. When the elevator dinged, and the doors started to open he pushed at them while pulling her along. She fumbled with her keys, and he used his to open the door, pushing her in and slamming the door after him.

She pulled at his belt, and he grabbed the waistband of her panties and pulled hard. The band tore and broke freeing her left leg. She felt the panties flutter to her right ankle and pool around her shoe. She tried to kick off her shoes, but Xander told her to leave them on. His cock was free from his pants thanks to her, and he lifted her against the door.

“Wrap your legs around me.”

She did as he asked while he positioned himself at her entrance then let her slide slowly down onto him. She let out a loud moan as he pierced her and he wrapped his hands around her ass. Then he pressed her hard against the door for leverage and began to work her over his length.

He nibbled at her neck, and she gripped his shoulders tightly as they fucked. He was first to release, but he continued, arms burning, sweat beaded on his forehead and upper lip until she climaxed. After, he carried her to the couch and sat down. Her panties were attached to one leg, and her heels were still on.

She sat on his lap kissing him, and he felt wetness on his face. He opened his eyes to see she was crying silently.

“No, Ava, stop crying. There is nothing we can’t work through. Just give us a chance. I promise not to push you to marry me. I can wait.”

“I’m not crying because of that. I’m crying because I thought I’d lost you, pushed you away.”

“Never. I love you so much.”

“Thank you for cleaning, the roses, the card, everything. I was so selfish last night.”

“I wanted to spend the night with you, but when you came home drunk, I was upset. I want you to know I always have your best interest at heart.”

“I know. I appreciate everything you do and have done for me. I want to be your wife, but I want to know who you are. What’s more, I need to know who I am. I think I got lost along the way.”

“I want to try with you. I’ve only ever wanted you. I can’t see my life with anyone else.”

They kissed then went to the bedroom to make love. They spent most of the weekend in her bed, only leaving for quick showers and food. They couldn’t get enough of each other.

On Sunday, Xander sat in bed watching Ava pack for her trip to Georgia. She was to leave on a late morning flight from JFK on Monday. He wasn’t happy she would be away from him for a full week, and he verbalized this to her. When he asked her if she was staying in the main house, she told him she would be staying in the pool house. This started an argument. David was still living there, and the fact that she previously had sex with him did not sit well with Xander.

“But he knows I am with you. In fact, he was thrilled when I told him that we were back together.”

Xander snorted, “Do you think that is how he feels? I saw the look on his face when he danced with you at Sam’s engagement party. He’s in love with you. Answer me this, when you went there for Christmas did he try anything with you?”

He had, and Ava didn’t want to reveal this to him. But she and David had an understanding. What happened so many months before was a one-time thing. It wasn’t going to happen again since their parents were married and they were now related. She lied to ease his tension.

“No, he didn’t.”

“I would prefer that you stay in your old bedroom. Promise me that you will.”

Her phone rang distracting her from answering him. She went to the other room to talk to Sam. When she came back, she had some things to tell him about the bachelor/bachelorette party.

“Sam told me that they are planning a group trip to Vegas for the wedding party. Do you want to go?”

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