Page 122 of Ignite

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She looked up at him, her eyes red and puffy.

“You didn’t think I would let our first Valentine’s Day together pass without doing something for you?”

The look on her face told him that she did.

“Sweetheart, please talk to me. I’m staying until you do.” She had stopped crying and was hiccupping. He knelt down again and wiped at her tears. He put his hand on the back of her head and put his forehead against hers.

“I want you for always. I want you to be my wife. Don’t ever doubt my love for you.” He kissed her cheek and waited for her to say something.

“I don’t doubt you love me, but you haven’t touched me or even kissed me lately. I don’t feel we have the spark anymore.”

Xander looked at her shocked, “Ava, I want you all the time. I burn for you. You have no idea the fire that I feel inside when I’m around you. Even when I’m not near you, I feel that way.”

“I’ll see you tonight,” she whispered.

He took her by the hand, and led her out of his office. He closed the door behind her and sat at his desk staring at the folders on it. How could she think he had lost his passion for her? There were times they had been here in this office, and he wanted to take her on the desk or the couch. But he held back because he wanted the tension to build. It had built, but it spilled over and had become negative. Xander needed to make it right and soon. He left the office fifteen minutes later heading off to the errands he had to run to make this a most special night.

Ava went back to her desk after she visited the bathroom. Her makeup was smudged, and her eyes were puffy and red. Sam noticed her distress and came over to her asking what was wrong. She told her that she was just emotional because of the upcoming exam. Sam seemed to sense it was something more than the exam. She pulled her down to the research room, which fortunately was empty.

“I know you have something else going on. I’ve felt it for the last month. Are you going to tell me?”

“It’s nothing. There isn’t anything wrong. I’m just overwhelmed by the upcoming exam.”

“Ava, you’ve been my best friend for almost ten years, and I know when something is bothering you. Is it because it’s Valentine’s Day and you’re not with Xander.”

It was so hard for her to lie to Sam. She needed a confidante.

“But I am,” she said softly.

“You’re what?”

“With him.”

“What? For how long?”

“Since last month. Please, you can’t tell anyone not even Robert.”

“I knew it! There was no way that you could work with him and be okay. Not with the way you two were with each other when you were together. I mean for heaven’s sake, you fucked his brains out when you met up in Saratoga.”

“We aren’t now.”

“Wait, you aren’t having sex? Why the hell not?”

“He wanted to wait. It’s horrible being around him and not being able to make love with him. I want him all the time, but despite what he says, I don’t think he wants me.”

“You’re crazy. That man would walk through fire for you. He has to have a reason why he is holding out.”

She told Sam what had been going on the past few weeks and how their relationship had degraded. She started to cry all over again, and Sam took her into the small washroom off the research room. Sam hugged her to her chest until Ava was finished crying.

“Go to him and let him explain. You two are destined for each other. You can’t let your emotions get the best of you. I need you to be strong because I’m getting married and I need to be the one to fall apart.”

Ava laughed and hugged Sam before they went back to their desks.

At five, she got her coat, changed into her boots and headed for the elevators. She felt compelled by her introverted nature to go home and be alone, but she promised Xander she would go to his apartment. She wanted to see what he had for her.

Xander went around his apartment making sure that everything was just right. Ava had been so upset this afternoon, and it tore his heart to shreds to see her like that. The worst part was that he knew he was part of, or maybe all of the reason for her to feel that way. Everything needed to be perfect. Years from now he wanted her to recall this day and remember how wonderful it was.

He couldn’t contain himself as he wandered through the rooms of his apartment. It had snowed all day yesterday and into today. A few flurries lingered, but the storm had moved off the coast. Yesterday and this morning had been a bitch to get around, but unless it was a full on white out blizzard, the city never shut down. He patiently waited for her to arrive. He hoped she would.

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