Page 114 of Ignite

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“We could go back to your place and get them. Don’t you have to feed the boys?”

“No, I saw Gage on my way out of the building yesterday. He said he is working all weekend and would be glad to do it.

He stopped talking as his eyes fixed on her, rather his t-shirt. It was plain white, and her nipples were quite visible through the cloth. She knew exactly what she was doing when she chose this shirt. He had plenty of dark colored shirts that were a lot less revealing. He felt himself start to grow as he looked at her breasts. She wasn’t making abstinence easy for him.

“Aren’t you chilly in just that shirt?”

She looked down, and her nipples were hard.

“Not at all. I’m very comfortable.”

He turned back to finish unpacking the bags, and she went to the full-length windows in the living room to look out. He watched her splay her hands against the glass and remembered what he never got to do, fuck her against the glass. How nice would it be to do that with the snow coming down? He pushed the thought out of his head, or he would have done it.

Instead, he set to work on making breakfast for them. It was nearing 11:00 AM and he was starving. He put sliced bagels, cold cuts, and cheese on plates along with a bowl of ripe strawberries. It wasn’t the season for them, so he paid a high price, but he knew Ava loved strawberries.

She sat down and plucked a red strawberry from the bowl. She pulled off the green stem, and he removed it from her hand holding it up for her to bite. She seductively put her lips around the berry and slowly bit it. Juice dribbled down her chin, and he leaned in to lick it off her chin. He dropped the remainder of the berry on the plate while he kissed her and sucked the juice off her plump lips.

His hands found her breasts and cupped them through her shirt. Before he could stop himself, his hands were under her shirt, and he was caressing and kneading them. She thrust her chest towards him, and his hands were full of her breasts. Then he withdrew his hands.

“No, no, please don’t stop,” she whispered into his mouth.

“We have to. I’m sorry I did that.”

“You can’t keep doing this to me. Please,” She whimpered.

He put his forehead against hers and whispered he was sorry. “There is something else were need to talk about,” Xander said.

She bit into another berry, “What is it?”

“STD tests.”

Her eyes widened, “Oh…”

“We had sex with other people and we should have them taken.”

“I’ve never had one before. I had only slept with you.”

“But now you have slept with others, so we both need to be tested.”

He paged through his phone looking for a clinic they could both visit. He found one several blocks away. It would be easier than going to their personal doctors, and the results would be faster. Not that it mattered because sex was off the table for awhile.

“There is a clinic near NYU. They are open late on Tuesdays. We could take the tests together this week if you want.”

“What’s the hurry?” She mumbled as she turned her back to get some oange juice from the refrigerator.


“Nothing. Tuesday is fine.”

They finished eating. She parked herself at the dining table facing the terrace, her head propped up in her hands as she watched the snow. Xander went downstairs to get the paper, and he sat on the couch reading. Several minutes later Ava sat next to him with her head on his shoulder. She stroked his arm as he read. It gave him goose bumps as her nails brushed against his skin.

“Can we go lie in bed with the drapes open?”

“Sure, why do you want to do that?”

“I’m tired. I want to watch the snow come down, and I’m a bit chilly.”

He looked down and could see her plump nipples pushing against the white cloth of the shirt again. He put the paper on the table and rose from the couch offering his hand to her. They walked to the bedroom and got under the quilt. She turned to the side to watch the snow, and he cuddled her against him while he kissed her neck.

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