Page 102 of Ignite

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“I don’t want to have sex with you.”


“I don’t want to have sex with you. We messed this whole relationship up by starting out wrong. Remember, I told you that I want to court you, take you on dates, hold your hand and kiss you.”

“You expect me to wait to have sex with you again? It’s not like you can unring the bell.”

“We are going to do just that. Besides, right now I am living with my parents for the next three weeks until my apartment is ready. So how would it look if I slept over at your place and didn’t come home?”

She wrinkled her nose at him, “Where are you going to live?”

“In the same apartment as last time. The tenant moved out at the end of last month, so we’re painting and doing a little remodeling before I move back in there. I expect you to come over for dinner the first weekend I am there.”

“To sleep over?”

“No, to have dinner.”

“I can’t believe what I’m hearing. You won’t make love to me and how long do I have to wait?”

“Until it’s right.”

They heard the door to Jacob’s office open and shut. She rose from the couch, and he hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek.

“There are so many things we are going to enjoy.”

“Except the one thing that I want.”

“Be patient, Ava. You know it will be worth it. My goals haven’t changed. I still want you to be my wife.”

She felt her stomach do flip flops as she walked to the door. All the horror of the past few months had slipped away in a matter of minutes. However, she still had to clean up the mess with the person who had created it. When she got done with him, he was going to wish he never crossed Ava Keene.

She blew Xander a kiss and slipped out his door silently closing it before heading to Jacob’s office. She hummed while she waited for him to give her the assignments for the day. He looked up at her.

“Someone is happy today. Are you adjusting to having Xander back?”

“I can deal with him fine. It was just the shock of having him back.”

Even though she was exhausted, she worked with a spring in her step. Jacob had given her so many materials to work on that she needed to utilize one of the tables in the research room. No one came in until lunchtime. She was so engrossed in what she was doing that she didn’t hear the door. Arms encircled her and lips pressed against her neck.

She turned to see Xander, and he pressed his lips to hers.

“You’re cheating.”

“How am I cheating?”

“You won’t make love to me, but you are going to get me all hot and bothered? That’s no fair.”

“I am simply showing you affection. Do you not want me to touch you at all?”

“No. I guess I will take what I can get. Are you coming over tonight?” She asked expectantly.

“I can if you like but just for a few hours. I don’t want my parents to get suspicious.”


“If I’m out too late they will wonder if I’m fooling around with someone.”

“You are! Me!”

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