Page 8 of Blood Sport

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Not now, Evie, I scold myself.

As I near the end of the hallway, the room on the right surprisingly has the drapes open. I can see into the room from where I am, a red glow against the black wall. I inhale sharply, not wanting to be seen or heard because I have a feeling I’m not meant to be up here unless I use one of the rooms.

With my heart in my throat, I walk up to the window and peer inside, expecting to see strangers. However, what I witness is much more shocking. Not only do I find Jaylen on a large bed with black bedding, but I found him with the woman he brought up here riding his cock hard and fast, her large breasts bouncing wildly with the movement. The woman has her mouth open wide, groaning as she grips Jaylen’s thighs for support.

But that isn’t the shocking part.

No, the shocking part that has my mouth hanging open and my eyes wide with fear is the fact that Jaylen has his face buried in the woman’s neck, blood pouring down her sternum and onto his bare chest, mixing with the light sheen of sweat on both of their skin.

What the fuck?

A sharp gasp leaves my throat, my hand flying up to keep it in my mouth, but I’m too slow. Somehow, Jaylen hears the noise because his head turns in my direction, his curly hair falling over his eyes, damp with sweat, and crimson blood smeared across his cheeks. But I see them… his eyes.

They’re fucking red.

And not only that, but he has razor-sharp fangs that are dripping with blood—the blood of that woman—while she rides him like he’s a fucking mechanical bull, not taking notice of my presence, her eyes focused on him while he watches me intently.

“Holy shit,” I breathe, staggering backward.



I don’t think I’ve ever known fear quite like this.

Yes, I saw the murdered bodies of my parents which still haunts me to this day, but I have never seen anything like this.

It doesn’t feel like I’m in my body as Jaylen and I stare at each other, the air around us tense and frigid. I want to scream or yell for help, but it feels as if my lips are glued together, unable to make even the smallest sound. And by the look of horror on Jaylen’s face, I can tell he feels the same way.

I don’t even know what to think or feel about what I just witnessed, but I do know one thing—I thought sucking people’s blood and being undead only existed in the movies. But is he really what I think he is? Or is he just into some weird shit? I’m hoping it’s the latter because I don’t know what I will do if it is the former.

There is no way in hell that my brother’s best friend is a vampire.

I refuse to believe it, even if the evidence is staring me right in the face.

I take another shaky step back, my heart ready to beat out of my chest. This makes something click within Jaylen because, in the blink of an eye, he is standing in front of me, somehow wearing pants.

How the fuck did he move so quickly?

Blood streaks stain his sweaty chest, but that’s not what I’m focused on. All I can do is stare Jaylen in the eye, his irises now back to the normal shade of baby blue I’m used to seeing. His chest is heaving as he inhales sharply, staring down at me, using his 6’4 height to his advantage.

After what I just witnessed, I should feel more intimidated, but not with Jaylen. I’ve known this man for most of my life, and even though he’s covered in blood, I don’t feel scared to be in his presence. I don’t know how to explain it, but even after witnessing him suck the blood of a random girl, I’m not afraid of him. If anything, I’m confused as fuck.

“Evie,” he drawls, his voice raspy and filled with remaining lust. The red light above the bed that illuminates the room makes him appear menacing. Darker. “What the hell are you doing here?”

I swallow hard, peering past him into the room. The girl is just sitting on the bed, staring down at her pink nails, acting as if she wasn’t just riding Jaylen and letting him suck on her neck. The thought sends a shiver down my spine.

“I-I,” I stammer, trying to find my voice. “I was looking for the bathroom.” There is no way in hell I came up here in search of him, only to find him in that position.

Jaylen doesn’t say anything, he just stares down at me through the curls hanging over his eyes. I have so many questions I want to ask him, but my head is fuzzy from the alcohol and trying to come to terms with what just happened.

Knowing Jaylen for as long as I have, how did I not know about this part of his life?

I suppose, why would he tell me about what he likes to do in the bedroom and with whom? It’s none of my business, and yet, I’m curious as hell.

“Well, you need to leave. Now,” he says, his eyes boring into mine. I can feel something—words—pulsing at my temples as he says, “You didn’t see any of this, okay? What you just saw didn’t happen.”

I frown. “Jaylen, what the fuck are you saying? I know what I saw was real. I may be tipsy, but you sucking that girl’s blood was as clear as day.”

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