Page 71 of Blood Sport

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Jaylen: Black Rose.

My heart skips a beat reading his text. He wants to go to the Black Rose with me. Alone? The thought has my stomach twisting with anticipation.

Evie: Okay. We need to be discreet, though.

I don’t want my brother to find out.

Jaylen: Of course, little angel. I’m great at being discreet.

I’ll see you at 8 p.m., and make sure you’re wearing

a dress for me.

I swallow hard, re-reading his last message over and over. Make sure you’re wearing a dress for me. What the hell are you up to, Jaylen Black?


I leave the sorority house at ten to eight to avoid too many questions from the girls. When I told them I was going out tonight, I lied and said it was to go visit Miles. There were looks of suspicion from all three of them, but eventually, they let it go and told me to have a good night.

I feel bad about lying to them, but if I told them what I was really doing and who I was seeing, they would bombard with me a magnitude of questions, and that’s not something I feel like doing tonight. It’s best if they think I’m going to see Miles instead of Jaylen.

The black dress I plucked out of my closet is flowy around my thighs with little sleeves to cover my shoulders. Now that fall is upon us, the evening air has grown chilly, making me realize that I should’ve grabbed a light coat before I left the house.

Oh, well. Too late now.

Peering up the road, I don’t see Jaylen anywhere. I rock on the heels of my Vans while I wait. I still can’t believe Jaylen got me into a dress just by asking. I could say lust talked me into it, so I’m going to stick with that answer. I’m doing this because I like the way I feel when I’m with Jaylen, and not because I want to please him.

A single headlight approaching from down the street comes into view. I watch as Jaylen pulls his motorcycle to a stop on the curb beside me, his face covered by a black helmet. One I’ve had the pleasure of wearing a couple of times. At first, I hated riding on his bike, but now, it’s a thrill I have grown to enjoy, especially if it means I get to wrap my arms around his waist, feeling the hard muscles under his shirt.

Jaylen slides the helmet off his head, his tousled curls falling around his face. He smiles at me, resting the helmet on his black jean-clad thigh. “My little angel, you look stunning.”

I blush. “Thanks. You too.”

He swings his leg over the seat and steps toward me. I watch silently as he slips the helmet over my head, careful to push my loose hair over my shoulder, cascading down my spine. His fingers linger on my neck, a reminder of when he choked me in the locker room shower last week. I try to clench my thighs subtly at the memory, but I know Jaylen can smell my arousal when he smirks.

“Okay, let’s go.” Taking my hand, he leads me to the motorcycle, helping me onto the little seat behind his. When he’s seated in front of me, I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my cheek on his back. His earthy sandalwood scent assaults my nose, and I inhale deeply. “Hold on tight, little angel.”

I do as he says, holding on for dear life. Jaylen revs the engine and pulls out onto the street. The wind blowing through my hair is a welcome bliss I have come to enjoy whenever I ride with Jaylen. I never thought I would feel so… free being on the back of a motorcycle. Only a few weeks ago I was scared shitless to get on one. Now, I fucking love it.

The ride to the Black Rose doesn’t take long. As Jaylen parked in the parking lot next to the building, I found myself wishing we could have driven for longer. Maybe drive somewhere out of Pullman just so I could continue to feel that blissful feeling as if I’m walking on air. But sadly, that is just wishful thinking on my part. I can’t just ride away into the sunset with Jaylen.

Jaylen silently grabs his hand around mine and guides me to the entrance of Black Rose. As usual, there is a line wrapped around the building of partygoers wanting to get inside. While Jaylen is getting our names checked off the guest list, I can’t help but wonder how many of these people actually make it inside if their names aren’t on the list. I would hate waiting outside in this weather on the off chance that you’re maybe let in.

“Come on,” Jaylen says, tugging on my hand.

I tear my eyes away from the line and follow him inside. As we walk into the room, music is bouncing off the walls and the voices of people yelling over the music sounds in my ears, making me cringe. I’ll never get used to the sudden overload of noises whenever I step into this room. With it being a bar on the smaller side, the noise is only intensified. But with Jaylen’s super hearing, I’m sure he’ll hear me just fine.

“Take a seat and I’ll grab us a drink,” Jaylen says, turning to face me. “What do you want?”

“Whatever you’re having.”

He raises a brow at me as an amused smile tugs at his lips. “Really? Are you sure?”

Not really. “Yes,” I say with a nod. I want a fruity cocktail, but being here with him, alone, I know I’m going to need something stronger.

“Okay,” he says and turns to walk to the bar.

Walking around the room, I managed to find a tall table with two stools at the back. It feels a little quieter down here away from all the people dancing around the DJ deck on the opposite side of the room.

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