Page 47 of Blood Sport

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I shake my head. “I’m almost out. You?”

“Same. I used the last of my supply a couple of days ago.”

This means we have no choice but to go out and replenish our stash. Thankfully, Miles isn’t home at the moment—he said something about going to see Cindy—so we’ll be able to fly under the radar and away from his suspicious eyes. We only ever do this when I know he won’t be around, and now is the perfect time, especially with him being at his mysterious girlfriend’s place whom we have yet to meet.

We keep our stash here because Ethan lives in a fraternity house on campus, and it’s too risky to keep a cooler full of blood bags in an environment like that. Who knows who could potentially stumble upon it in his room? Only if they’re looking hard enough, but still. Which is why we keep our stash in my room.

Ethan curses when he doesn’t come first in the race, coming second by a fraction of a second, and places the controller down on the coffee table, sitting up straight. “Well, I guess we’re going hunting tonight.”

I roll my eyes. “I would hardly call stealing blood bags from the hospital hunting.”

“Tomato, tomato.” Ethan stands, looking down at me expectantly. “Come one. We better go now before Miles gets home. Who knows how long he’ll be fucking his girl for, and I want to eat tonight.”

I stand, follow him to the front door, and collect my house keys on the stand nearby. “Why not go to Black Rose and take the girl you’re fucking? You’ll be satisfied in both ways.”

Ethan waves me off as he opens the door, gesturing for me to walk past. “She’s having a girl’s night in with her sorority friends, Evie included. So, this is my only option.”

As we walk down the hallway to the staircase, the mention of Evie has my spine tingling. I want to know what her blood would taste like as I sink my fangs into her smooth skin, indulging in what I could only hope would be the sweetest fucking thing I’ve ever tasted. If I ever get the chance to taste her, I know I’ll become addicted, only wanting her blood to feed on. And I welcome the addiction.

“How are things going with Evie?” Ethan asks as he follows me down the stairs, grimacing at the state of the carpet. Yeah, it looks like someone died there.

“Good.” I don’t want to give him more information than that.

After what happened a couple of nights ago, her trying to keep me at arm’s length, I don’t want to let Ethan in on the fact that my girl is trying to push me away because I know he’ll try to tell me to respect her wishes and yada yada. Well, unfortunately for her, I’m not one who can be easily pushed away.

“Just good?” he questions. “I saw you with her at Black Rose on Saturday night. That seems like more than good to me.”

I reach the foyer and charge for the front door. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Ethan follows me, hot on my heels as I step out onto the street of Pullman, taking our usual route to the local hospital. We’ve learned over time that the best way to get around this town at night is by foot to draw less attention to us. Driving a motorcycle isn’t very discreet, so we walk whenever we need to go to the hospital.

I shove my hands into the pockets of my chinos as Ethan falls into step with me, the warm air settling on my frigid skin. Thankfully, the warm weather doesn’t bother me since my skin always feels as though I’ve been standing in a freezer for far too long. As a kid, I always hated the hot weather, wishing it could be winter all year round. When I turned eighteen and completed my transition, that dream became a reality. But in return, I became… this.

“Okay, you don’t want to talk about Evie, fine,” Ethan says. “But what about Roman?”

“What about him?”

“You shouldn’t have killed him, Jay.”

I shrug. “He deserved it.”

“Oh, really? You think slitting his throat and burying him in the woods was the right thing to do? I told you to fucking breathe through the anger, man.”

Ethan’s scolding tone does nothing to make me feel guilty for what I did to Roman. He has tried this tone with me too many times to count, and it never worked then, so it’s not going to work now.

I’m not the type of vampire who enjoys hunting humans and draining them of their blood for fun. It has never appealed to me because it’s messy and there is a lot more to do to cover your tracks afterward. Since turning eighteen, I have only killed five humans, including Roman now. Some were by choice and some were by accident because I couldn’t control my bloodlust.

Controlling bloodlust as a vampire is no easy task. When I first transitioned, I couldn’t control my need to fuck and feed on as many women as I could get my hands on. Until I met Ethan in my first week of classes at WSU. He helped me control my thirst and channel the energy inside that I needed to keep me level-headed. I eased into feeding from blood bags and not on humans, the same way he had learned from his parents when he transitioned. I was envious at first because I wanted that bonding experience with my parents, but I am thankful for his help because who knows what my actions would’ve escalated to.

But killing Roman was a no-brainer. He was a fucking asshole who got what was coming to him.

“Again, he deserved it.” I look at Ethan from the corner of my eyes to see he’s watching me. “He touched my girl, so he needed to be dealt with.”

Ethan sighs, shaking his head. “You can’t be going around killing anyone who is a threat to Evie. That’s not how this works. You know that.”

“I know I need to protect her,” I counter, my jaw clenched. “She’s special, Eth. I’ve told you this. She’s… different.”

“Different or not, you can’t kill someone like that. Too many people are starting to realize he hasn’t been seen for over a week now, especially everyone on the team.”

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