Page 45 of Blood Sport

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“Good thing I’ll be taking it off you soon.”

Oh, fuck yes.

Jaylen’s cool fingers drag up the side of my right thigh as he attaches his lips to mine. He groans, and it sends a lightning bolt straight to my pussy. It’s throbbing and wet for him, making my mind fuzzy with lust. I have always wanted to know what Jaylen tastes like, and it’s safe to say he tastes like Fall—all cinnamon, whiskey, and sandalwood. And it’s fucking addicting.

I bite back a moan as Jaylen’s hand slips under the dress, toying with the edge of my panties, and he smiles against my lips, knowing exactly what he’s doing. He presses his body into mine, his hard cock rigid against my thigh. The subtle ghosting of his fingertips over the skin on my hips is driving me insane.

“Jaylen, please,” I moan, and throw my head back, allowing him better access to attach his lips to my neck. The thought of his fangs shooting out from his gums and sinking into my skin to drink my blood lingers in the back of my mind, but I push it down, not wanting to think about that side of him.

All I care about is what’s happening now, and that’s him dangerously close to grazing my wet core. One flick from his finger under my panties and he’ll strike gold.

“I can smell how wet you are for me, little angel.” Jaylen’s voice is dark and low as he speaks the words against my skin. He pulls back to look at me, his once baby blue eyes now a piercing crimson staring back at me. “And I can’t wait to fucking devour you.”

I swallow hard. What have I just gotten myself into?

Jaylen spins me around and walks me backward toward the bed. I land on the plush black duvet with a soft thud, and my eyes graze up Jaylen’s toned body. As if watching a fucking magic show, feeling hypnotized, I focus on the way he slips the long-sleeved button-up off his shoulders after slowly undoing the buttons. When the material hits the floor, I take in his bare chest, and the hard ridges of muscles, before looking down at the ink etched into the skin of his right arm.

This is the first time I’ve properly looked at the tattoos in detail. The large dragon on his forearm has its wings spread wide, and what appears to be a Pegasus is being ridden by a ghoul on his upper arm. The gaps between each design are filled in with various types of flowers. Lilies and roses stick out to me the most. The detail in the designs is mind-blowing, leaving me distracted while Jaylen pulls out the black leather belt from around his jeans, drops it to the floor beside him, and shoves the black jeans to the floor along with his briefs, leaving him fully exposed in front of me.

My eyes widen at the size of his cock standing at attention in my line of sight. The veins racing up the side are throbbing with anticipation and the crown is swollen, precum already leaking from the tip. He’s fucking huge. But that’s not what has my breath hitching in my throat. It’s the fucking silver barbell pierced through the head, staring me right in the eye.

What the actual fuck?

Jaylen grins. “Have you ever fucked a man with a pierced cock?”

It’s as if something clicks in my mind. A wire is replaced and I can see clearly now.

What the fuck am I doing? I can’t do this with my brother’s best friend. Who also happens to be a fucking vampire.

I don’t know what the hell I was thinking when I followed him up here, but I sure as hell know I need to get the fuck out of here. My alcohol-induced fog is starting to clear and I can see the path in front of me, leading me away from this fucking room in this vampire club.

“I-I have to go,” I murmur and get off the bed, slightly unsteady on my feet.

A frown creases Jaylen’s forehead. “What? Evie, what are you—”

I don’t wait for him to finish before I push past him and race out of the room. My chest is tight and my breathing is ragged as I run down the wooden staircase. I have a flashback of when I did the exact same thing after finding out that Jaylen is a vampire. But now, I'm running away because it’s all too much. Him. My brother. My life. Everything. It’s all too much that the only thing I can think to do is run.

I don’t bother texting my friends that I’m leaving because I don’t have time. Jaylen may have been naked, but he also has speed on his side whereas I can only run as fast as my legs will allow.

The humid air settles on my skin as I race down the darkened streets with only the streetlamps illuminating the way back to the sorority house. My limbs are heavy and I can’t breathe properly, but I’ll deal with it. I made the choice to run, so I must deal with the consequences of not being fit enough to run a distance like this.

Seeing Jaylen naked—and that goddamn sexy piercing—reminded me that I can’t keep doing this with him. I can’t continue this back-and-forth we have going on because I just know it’s not going to end well. If my brother finds out, it’s game over. He’ll make sure I go nowhere near Jaylen, so I would prefer to just keep him at arm’s length because I don’t want him out of my life forever. I just need to steer clear enough to protect my heart.

I don’t know if it’s going to work, but I’m willing to put it to the test.

I round the corner and see the driveway to the sorority house in sight. Only I find the person I’m running from sitting on the front steps, anger blazing in those baby blues.

When I see Jaylen, I slow to a stop, put my hands on my knees, and double over, trying to catch my breath. “Oh, fuck me.”

“I was trying to before you ran away,” Jaylen says, tilting his head as he watches me. He’s dressed in his clothes from earlier, the buttons at the top of his shirt unbuttoned to reveal the smooth skin of his chest. “Why did you run, Evie?”

Breathless, all I can do is watch as he stands from the steps and walks toward me. It’s clear I didn’t think this plan through, but I don’t think anything through when Jaylen is concerned, so what’s new?

“You left me alone in that room with my cock rock hard and my skin tingling knowing I was finally going to get to touch you,” he says, and I can’t help but drop my eyes to the obvious bulge in his pants. I swallow, remembering the barbell. “But instead, you ran away. Why?”

He stops in front of me, his height towering over me as I glance up at him. His features are hard and it’s clear he’s hot and bothered after what happened—or almost happened—but I don’t have an answer for him. Not one that I want to explain anyway.

“We can’t do this,” is all I say, gesturing between us. “We can’t.”

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