Page 39 of Blood Sport

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Once my shot is lined up, I take a couple of steps back and then run forward as quickly as I can. My foot connecting with the ball sounds across the pitch. I can feel the eyes of my teammates watching as the ball flies past Cain and into the back of the net. Unfortunately, he dove to the right instead of going left.

Low whistles sound in my ear, and I smile. Turning back to Miles, I say, “Okay, but what are you protecting her from exactly? Evie is a smart girl who is strong and resilient. We’ve both seen that over the years. So, what makes you think she can’t handle whatever it is you’re keeping from her?”

Despite Miles and I being best friends, he doesn’t confide in me much when it comes to information about the murder of his parents. I was there the day they were found by Evie and know that what happened to them was awful. But during high school, I know Miles was digging deeper into what happened. Whenever I would ask him if he had found something new, he would say that he couldn’t share anything yet. It was clear he wanted to keep whatever he knew close to his chest, maybe for fear of it not being what he needed to get to the bottom of what happened.

As his friend, I respected his decision to keep quiet about it. But I know that whatever he’s keeping from Evie, she can handle it. If anything, she has a right to know because they were her parents too, and she was the one to find them.

Miles sighs and turns to catch the ball from Cain. He drops it at his feet and places his hands on his hips, his eyes trained on the ball. “I know she can handle it. But… it’s just not the right time. I don’t want her to lose focus on her classes because she is digging for information on our parents. What happened that night was traumatic for her, and I fear that it may open old wounds if I reveal what I know.” He drops his hands and runs one of them through his hair. The sweat coating the strands makes them stand on end. “It’s just better if she doesn’t know. Not yet, at least.”

I nod and watch as he lines the ball up to take a shot. This time, Cain dives to the right, saving it from going in. A smile splits across his face as he hugs the ball close to his chest, pleased with the save.

“I understand.” I want to tell him that he should trust that Evie can handle whatever information she is looking for, but it’s not my place to tell him what he should do. “Evie mentioned recently that she has been curious about what happened to your parents because of the murders occurring around Pullman. I guess she’s just trying to draw similarities.”

Miles pauses and turns to me. His brows are drawn down into a frown. “When did you speak with Evie?”


“Um.” I hear the ball coming my way before I see it. Turning my body toward the goal box, I catch the ball before it collides with my head and drop it at my feet. “We ran into each other on campus on Monday.”

The day I killed her asshole ex-boyfriend for putting his hands on her, I want to say but don’t, for obvious reasons.

Miles hums as his eyes search my face. Is he looking for a sign that I'm lying? Well, he’s shit out of luck because I’m the best damn liar in Pullman.

“I didn’t know that you two talk,” he comments, folding his arms over his chest. “What do you talk about with her?”

To avoid his intense eye contact, I focus on positioning the ball to go in the direction of the bottom left corner again. I want to see if Cain will guess that I’ll take the same shot as last time.

“Just whatever,” I say vaguely as I walk backward. With as much force as I can use without appearing suspicious, I kick the ball toward the net. To my surprise, Cain guesses correctly and saves the ball. “It’s nothing for you to be concerned about.”

Miles’s eyes are blazing with what I can only assume is annoyance. “You know how I feel about you talking with my sister. I made it clear back in high school that she is off limits.”

I roll my eyes. “I haven’t forgotten. You like to remind me whenever you get the chance. So, just relax, okay? There is nothing wrong with just talking.”

If he knew the lengths I would go for his sister, going as far as killing Roman, I have no doubt he would try to beat my ass. This is why he’ll never know. At least, I’ll try my best to make sure he doesn’t find out. It could ruin everything I have been working toward with Evie. I’m so close to breaking through the wall she put between us, I can feel it.

“It better stay that way,” Miles warns, pointing a finger in my direction. “She’s my little sister, and I need to protect her from guys like you. No offense, but we both know you’re a man whore.”

I hold my hands up in defense, a smile tugging at my lips. He’s not wrong. “None taken. I get it. But just know that I would never do anything to hurt her. Ever.”

Miles licks his lips and stares at me for a long moment, taking in my words.

It’s true. I would never hurt my little angel, and I certainly won’t let anyone hurt her. I made that clear when I took care of Roman. I’m not one to willingly kill people, but if they’re a threat to me or the people I care about, then I will not hesitate to make heads roll.

When it comes to Evie, I would gladly burn this fucking planet to nothing but smoke and ash if she asked me to.

After a moment, Miles sighs and claps me on the back. The warmth from his hands through my training jersey spreads across my skin. I’m not sure if he has noticed the change in temperature of my skin over the years, and if he has, he has never said anything.

“I know, and I appreciate the sentiment. You are the only guy I trust her with, Jay. Growing up, you were always there for her if I couldn’t be, and that meant a lot to me. It still does.” He smiles and uses the hand on my shoulder to shove me backward playfully. “But you’re still a man whore.”

I laugh and shake my head, thankful that the conversation stayed light. “Yeah, yeah. Just kick the fucking ball before Coach kicks our asses for not training.”

We spend the next hour shooting goals at Cain until the three of us grow tired. The sun is beginning to set low on the horizon, indicating that practice is coming to an end. Despite the tense conversation earlier, we put in a good effort and closed out the day feeling good. The Panthers are going to be a hard team to beat, but I feel ready for a fight.

“God, I can’t wait to fucking shower,” Ethan whines as he falls in step beside us. Blades of grass litter his sweaty neck, and his face is slightly pale.

“Me, too,” Preston says from beside Ethan. He runs a hand through his short blonde hair. “I’m so glad we’re not playing this weekend. I could use the break.” He looks between the three of us. “Also, has anyone heard or seen Roman this week? I noticed he hasn’t been showing up to practice.”

“I haven’t,” Ethan says, shaking his head.

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