Page 24 of Blood Sport

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“Me too,” I say and clear my throat. “Anyway, what’s up?”

“Coach said we’re done with training for now. He wants us to go home to rest and have a big meal before the game tonight,” Ethan says. “Mind if I hang out at yours before we head back?” The hunger in his eyes tells me he’s starving for some blood, and so am I. As much as I would love to rip Roman apart and drink him dry, I know I can’t, so I will have to settle for the hidden blood stash in my room that I share with Ethan.

“Sure,” I answer and turn to Miles. “You coming too?”

He shakes his head. “Nah, I have something I need to go do.”

“Let me guess, Cindy?” I raise a brow at him. He’s been dating this mystery girl for a few weeks now and we have yet to meet her. All I know is that she is a student here and they met at a frat party, but that’s it. But if he’s not going to be at the apartment, it means we can eat in peace without fear of being caught by him.

Miles chuckles. “Maybe. Maybe not. It’s none of your business.”

Ethan playfully rolls his eyes. “Okay, sure. Well, I guess we’ll see you back here tonight then?”

Miles nods as we leave the pitch and head toward the locker room. “Of course.”

When we enter the cool locker room, I’m thankful to be out of the sun. I head straight to my locker, pull the black and red training jersey over my head, and replace it with a plain black T-shirt. I need to shower, but that can wait until I get back to the apartment. I sit down on the bench across from my locker and scroll through my phone while Ethan and Miles get changed out of their dirty training clothes.

At the sound of Roman’s voice, I glance to the left to see him standing in front of his locker typing on his phone. Is he texting Evie? Not knowing exactly what he’s doing to her makes my muscles tense with anger. Even though I know I should let this go because it has nothing to do with me, I just can’t. I care too much about her to at least not make sure she’s safe.

Roman turns his phone off and shuts it in his locker, making sure to enclose a small padlock through the handle before heading toward the shower room with his belongings.

“Okay, we’re heading out now,” Ethan says from behind me.

I turn to face him. “Just give me a minute and I’ll meet you outside.”

He nods as Miles claps me on the back. “I’ll see you tonight.”

I nod. “Have fun with Cindy.”

He smirks in return before the two turn to leave, along with the rest of the team who aren’t in the shower room.

With no one around, my curiosity gets the best of me. I have to know what the fuck Roman is texting Evie. As I stand and walk over to Roman’s locker, my heightened senses tell me that there are still guys in the shower and no one has turned off the water yet.

Inspecting the lock holding the door shut, I decide that I don’t have time to try and crack the password, so I just reach up, grip the small black lock, and rip it off. The snapping of metal can’t be heard over the sound of rushing water from the shower room, so I continue what I’m doing.

I find Roman’s phone lying next to his car keys and wallet. Without thinking, I pick up the device and the screen comes to life, asking for a passcode to be entered. Shit, I didn’t think this far ahead. Surely, this idiot wouldn’t have 1, 2, 3—

The home screen comes to life when I tap on the number 4. Of course, he’s that much of a fucking idiot that his passcode would be the easiest number to guess. I’m not surprised.

I don’t waste any time and head straight to his recent messages. Evie’s name is at the top of the list and I see he texted her in the last five minutes, which is what he was doing before he left to go shower. Opening up the conversation, my eyes widen at the text messages between the two of them. It makes my blood boil seeing the way he talks to her. He’s lucky that I’m refraining myself from marching into the shower room and ripping his fucking head clean off his body.

But Evie is strong. I can tell by her responses. She always has been strong-willed and ready to stand up for herself. But it doesn’t mean she should have to deal with her ex-boyfriend threatening to expose her nudes if she doesn’t get back with him. The image of her naked back in the shower is now burned into my mind, and not for a good reason. It makes my blood boil with rage that he is doing this to her. No man should treat a woman like this.

Roman is a sick human being. I know that fucking much.

The sound of a shower switching off reminds me I don’t have time to stand here and read their entire conversation. I click back to the home screen, put the phone down where I found it, and close the locker door, making sure to shove the broken lock into my pocket. Walking back over to my gym bag, I sling it over my shoulder and close my locker.

As I leave the locker room, my vision red with hot anger, I hear Roman say, “Why the fuck is my locker broken?”


“Pass me a bag,” I say to Ethan when I sit down on the edge of my bed, my curls still soaked with water. After getting out of the shower, I was too thirsty to take a couple of extra minutes to dry my hair. The hunger gnawing at my insides was too much to ignore.

Ethan scoots my desk chair across the shaggy brown carpet with his hand outstretched to me. “Someone is thirsty.”

I snatch the full blood bag from his hand. “No shit, Sherlock. I’m fucking starving.” I bring the small opening at the top of the plastic bag to my lips and suck the blood into my mouth. As soon as the cool liquid touches my tongue, the tension in my shoulders ceases and my mind clears. The satisfied feeling of quenching my thirst spreads across my body as I suck the bag dry.

The first drop of blood I had when I transitioned drove me into a fucking frenzy. My parents also drank from blood bags and gave one to me the night of my eighteenth birthday. But the hunger deep in my stomach was so strong that I lost control of myself. It took my dad restraining me with thick chains in the basement before I calmed the fuck down. They were afraid I was going to run out into the street and rip innocent people apart just to get to their blood.

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