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Todd shoved Zane’s arm toward Nate, nudging the mic to him. The crowd murmured a little and Nate knew it would only get worse. He grabbed the mic from Zane and stepped forward. Colby still watched, the silent tears on her face.

Nate stood toward the front of the stage, holding the microphone and looking out. You’re not nervous; you’re excited! But he was nervous and the pause he took to look out rocked his confidence in taking the mic. His mouth felt suddenly dry and he could hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears. Oh no.

No. He couldn’t. Not here.


You’re not nervous; you’re excited.

You’re excited.

Colby moved slightly in her seat, drawing Nate’s eye. She still looked teary-eyed, but something in her face shifted. She now looked…concerned. Concerned for him. It wasn’t pity that he saw in her face, but care. Maybe even love.

Nate swallowed and switched the hand holding the mic so he could spin the ring on his first finger. He took a breath.

“My name is Nate,” he started.

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