Page 49 of Fractured Obsession

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It’s hard to believe that Dmitri created this because most articles focus on his playboy antics, bachelor of the year, and being CEO of Creighton Technologies. His other business achievements are minimal to those, and now I understand why. Because this is the heart of Dmitri. and he keeps it hidden from the masses. Only those who can afford to be here are. I can only imagine what they spend to let their hair down in such a manner, and I have no doubt that Dmitri has been filling his pockets for years to simply indulge their fantasies.

Lev is dark and enticing—entirely Dmitri. I realize now that perhaps this was the part he was warning me about. His tastes. Perhaps for him, this was his only element of freedom from the pressures and expectations of the corporate world past these walls.

“Are you lost?” a man asks, snapping me out of my outright gawking. “If you’re new here, you can join our table.” He’s a well-dressed man wearing a raven mask, dark hair tied up at the back, and dark brown eyes.

I offer a polite smile. “No, thank you. I’m here to meet with a friend.”

“I can be that friend,” he offers, outstretching his hand. In a split second, another hand catches his, and a defiant crack splits the air. The man screams as he’s forced to drop onto his knee. He curses, but when he looks up, his eyes go wide, even beneath the mask—his fear apparent.

“Apologize.” I recognize his voice, ambiance, and physique even beneath a mask. Dmitri wears a black dress shirt and a black skull-like mask that forms horns at the top of his head. It conceals only half of his face, his beautiful lips now thin as he scowls at the man. The mask is so detailed that I’m sure it wipes the idea of ‘pleasure’ from anyone’s mind. It looks so stark against his blonde hair. But it’s his possessive raging blue eyes that run a cold shudder through me and no doubt the man who he’s just given a few broken bones.

Dmitri looks like a deadly God here.

A Grim Reaper in his domain.

A stark contrast to the charismatic playboy everyone sees in the outside world.

When I look at the mask he wears now, I realize that perhaps the one he wears out in high society is the real cover-up.

The tension is heavy as the man is floundering, squirming in pain, and can’t even speak. And the stare Dmitri gives him is… terrifying.

“Please don’t kill him.” I find myself saying, and am shocked, that’s the first thing I assume I should say. The man with the broken hand trembles beneath him. His friends standing behind him step back into the crowd, too terrified to intervene.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were his,” he splutters.

His. It creates flutters in my stomach when it shouldn’t under the circumstances. But Dmitri doesn’t let go, and I realize he’s in some type of trance. One that’s promising impending doom.

“Dmitri,” I carefully say, as I place a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to not startle him. This part of him, this lethal dark edge, is a mirror to his father’s. The only difference is Dmitri pretends to be a civilized citizen. I should be running as far away from Dmitri as possible, yet he’s the only person I gravitate toward. But not all powerful men can be tamed. I especially know that.

Dmitri is reluctant but eventually releases him before his gaze looks between the man and the red leather tunnel. Of his own accord, the man scampers toward it to flee.

“You can’t just hurt people like that,” I reprimand.

His raging, blue gaze lands on me, and I’m frozen in place. That predatory-like gaze hasn’t yet shifted. It’s like he doesn’t even see me right now. “Dmitri?” I repeat.

He blinks. And then blinks again. I see the subtle shift ,and the tension ripples out of me when I realize he’s back to his usual self. Had he always been like this? Even back in college, he was in control of his temper. Sure, he fought a lot, but he always knew when to stop. But something was different in him now.

“No one touches you except me.” Is all he says as he grabs my hand. Before I can reply, he’s already guiding me away from the entrance. The crowd parts for him like a sea splitting for a king in his domain. Bouncers track his movement, but I doubt they’ve ever had to intervene or fight on his behalf.

“Wait. Where are you taking me?” I ask. I wanted to see this place. I wanted to see Dmitri, but not as he is now. There is something unsettling about him. It crackles around him like a raging storm. One I’m not entirely sure I’ll be able to reach. And that terrifies me.

He leads me to a staircase and stops at the bottom when he finally notices my reluctance.

“Somethings off about you tonight,” I say, and maybe it’s because I was so looking forward to seeing him that this version of him is so confronting.

He sighs and goes to pinch the bridge of his nose, realizing he has a mask on. I’ve noticed him do that a few times now; headaches, maybe?

“I’m sorry, it’s been a long day,” he says earnestly. I can see the fire that lit behind his eyes earlier diminishing—for me. “Didn’t you want to step into my world? Aren’t you curious?” he asks and gestures to the staircases that lead to the two levels I was curious about earlier.

Bouncers guard the entrance of both levels, and a few members in masks look over the railing and down at those dancing, casually prowling. Exclusive levels, no doubt.

I’m curious but can’t shake the nagging feeling that he’s hiding something from me. More predominantly, I’m worried that one day, and maybe soon, he won’t let me in anymore. After seeing a different side to Dmitri these past months, I hadn’t realized how much more of it I wanted. How selfishly I want every bit of this man that he’s willing to offer.

“Are you really okay, Dmitri?” I ask quietly. At the very least, I need to know that. Is he simply tired? Did something else happen?

I can’t see his expression, but his gaze studies me carefully as he steps into the only space between us. He dips his lips to mine, and I’m startled when his tongue dances against mine, hungrily devouring me. He possessively coaxes everything out of me as if we weren’t in the middle of a club full of people dancing around us.

His spicy cologne flares my nostrils, and I wrap my hands around his neck, pulling him in, wanting more. After all the things he promised last night over the phone, I want to feel him inside of me again.

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