Page 18 of Fractured Obsession

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I look over my shoulder as I round an alleyway. My ankle awkwardly twists, and I’m thrown into the wall. I muffle my cry with the sharp pain that radiates up my leg. When I look around the corner, I realize she’s not on my tail anymore. She most likely got blocked from pursuing me because of the busy road between us. I begin to try and catch my breath when my phone buzzes.

Unknown number.

I gulp and answer because I know better than to not.

“You’re up early this morning.”

My heart and stomach drop.

The Lion.

I haven’t spoken to him directly since he shipped me here over six weeks ago. The only other time was when he called Dmitri in that shitty apartment, and I overheard his threats.

“I couldn’t sleep.” My voice cracks.

“I can get the boys to administer something nice. It’ll help you sleep, I’m sure.” He says it as casually as a friend’s sound advise.

My grip tightens on the phone as I glance in every direction. Is he here? Or is it someone else? Am I being watched right now?

I push off the brick wall I was leaning against and stumble forward with shaky legs. But I need to get as far away from my sister as possible. If he so much as found out we were on the same block, there would be a consequence.

“I don’t need it.” I hate my tones of fearful betrayal. Tears stream down my face, and I want to hole myself up in the apartment like a well-kept pet. I’d become bold with all my recent outings, but the mere sound of his voice has me crumbling back into place.

“Have you made any friends there, my little dove?”

Panic tightens around me like a noose. I hate his endearment. I hate his voice. I hate him.

“No. I don’t need them. Only you.” I concave into myself at the rehearsed line. How stupid of me to think I had a claim to freedom here.

“Do you miss me?” There’s no emotion or endearment in his tone.

“Yes, my Lion,” I whisper. I close my eyes willing, his voice to go away.

“Then perhaps I should come visit sometime. Wouldn’t you like that?”

My legs give way, and I cling to the corner of the brick building in the alleyway where I crawled. I feel exposed. I wish I were in my apartment. Hidden away for no one to see. All I can hear is my pounding heart ring throughout my ears and the repetitive chant that often cripples me on his visits.

Please go away.

Memories of being held in a dark and cold room.

Laughter from the outside as they looked in.

I’m nothing but a pet.

A broken flightless dove.

”Yes,” I lie.

But it’s not a lie because I would rather feign to welcome him in my space than the wrath if I was not.

The line cuts, and I hold the phone to my chest, my body shaking.

I keel over and vomit behind a dumpster.

The Lion’s coming… but when?

And what will he do to me this time?

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