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“What about the knit dress you were working on for Tomas? How is that turning out?”

I scrunched up my face. “It’s like tearing it all down and rebuilding it. But it’s better. He has shown me a lot about ways to mix fabrics.”

“It sounds good for you then—”

“Paul.” Ingrid’s voice rang out off-camera. She appeared on the screen and pressed a button behind them. INXS’s “Need You Tonight” came on, and she shimmied before him.

Paul rolled his eyes and turned it off. “I’m on a call.”

I smirked. Yeah, you are. “I thought you were directing?”

“He is, but we’re also having fun,” Ingrid answered for him and grinned.

He cocked a brow, and I jutted my chin. “I am working, but Ingrid discovered INXS and one of her cousins tried to imitate the lead singer.” He showed me a picture of a guy with long brown hair, a leather jacket, and leggings with holes cut out on the sides. He pretended to cringe. “Eighties.”

I wagged my brows. “He looks hot to me.”

“Does he?” Paul changed the photo back to the castle.

“Hey!” I joked. “He’s not as sexy as you.”

Paul jutted his chin. “Damn right.” We all laughed.

“Mom’s a big fan. She told me the first song she ever danced to when she went out was an INXS song, ‘The One Thing.’”

“I can’t remember how that one goes?” Paul tapped his chin. I knew he did, but I took the bait.

I started singing the chorus and danced in my seat. Ingrid turned away and fiddle with some of the papers on the desk.

He gave me a suggestive gaze that turned me on. “Damn, I need to get to Paris.”

“You do. You’re missing out,” I teased.

“I know I am.”

Our gazes locked, and my pulse sped up as his eyes darkened with lust. And I bet he’s thinking of ways to cut his trip short.

“We won’t need much of that song. It’s not a big enough part of my history.” Ingrid quipped, then tugged on Paul’s arm, pointing at the watch on his wrist.

Paul sighed and turned his head back, smiling at me. “Agata can give me some perspective on the eighties.”

“She’s an expert. Her first live show was to see a band called The Psychedelic Furs.”

His brows raised. “I must hear that story, but as Ingrid reminded me, we gotta go soon.” He spoke to her in German.

Her lips curled upward. “Bye.”

I waved. “Bye, Ingrid.”

Ingrid finally left, and Paul rubbed his jaw. “She’s out, and if she returns, I’ll lock the door. So tell me, are you doing more fashion shows?”

“Not recently. I’ve been helping the designers, attending meetings, and completing the internship dress for Tomas…I miss you.” My voice caught.

“I miss you, too, baby. I promise, I’m working double time to get back to Paris. But like I said, I want you to enjoy yourself. Go out.”

“I go out every day,” I pointed out. “Xander’s coming to visit. He sent a list of what he wanted to do, and I’m already exhausted.”

He chuckled. “Good. I want that for you. Tell Xander I said hello.”

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