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“I’m not here to judge you. He takes you on a Vespa, he better make sure you return without a scratch, or then I will have a problem.”

I smiled at him. “Okay.”

“How was your day?”

I shared with him what I saw in the parks and streets as we drove to the restaurant that wasn’t too far from the office. “It sounds a bit touristy, but I’m happy you satisfied your sweet tooth.”

“Oh, I did. The hot chocolate was divine…have you news of Paul?”

“His concert sold out and was a triumph. They love him in Germany. He’s being treated well. No bad press.”

A wave of relief washed over me. Then again, would Laurence ever tell me if Paul was struggling? “Are you sure he’s fine?”

“Stop worrying, Nadia. Eat and be your sweet self. Make them love you, too.”

I leaned over to kiss his cheek, and climbed out of the car.

The restaurant was dimly lit, but I could see the group from the office. To my surprise, everyone there greeted me warmly. And what also surprised me was that they weren’t talking about work. Still, I discreetly brought my translator so I wouldn’t miss out on the conversations. It came time for me to order. “Est-ce que vous avez choisi?”The waiter asked me.

“Je prendrai la formule, s’il vous plaît.”

“The set menu.” The waiter answered in English.

I put on a smile. “Merci.”

Wyatt leaned toward me. “Your French is getting better.”

But no one ever answered me in anything but English. Though I said to him, “Merci.”

“How was your afternoon with Hayden?”

“Very good. He was kind.” I smiled.

“He was? Good,” Wyatt said, and his shoulders dropped. “He can be pushy; he’s always been that way.”

“You’ve known him long?”

“Oui. We were in a care home together…he was one of the few who didn’t forget you when he aged out.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that about him or you.” My tone turned sympathetic.

“Yes, it’s fine now. There is a group of us that made our own family.”

Hayden and Wyatt had aged out of foster care? Their situation could have easily been mine if I hadn’t been so fortunate. Wyatt started to work as my translator as the conversations started moving faster, filling me in on what was going on.

“Anne has a boyfriend in Algiers. He’s a scuba diver. He is planning a trip to Coco’s Island. She’s worried for him. Ellie has been on two dates with Philippe.”

I covered my surprise with a sip of wine. I thought Philippe was married.

Wyatt whispered. “His wife is teaching in Brazil. They have an understanding. Patrick has an American girlfriend. She’s an au pair. She’s the reason he decided to come here. Now you are all caught up with our lives.”

I smiled. “Thank you.”

Wyatt squeezed my arm. “Not at all.” Our food was served, and everyone’s plate was full of meats with vegetables in aromatic sauces.

“You should try to see more of Paris and the countryside, Nadia,” Josephine spoke to me in English.

“She should travel,” Philippe said. “You should go away for a weekend somewhere.”

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