Page 32 of Wild Wedding Hookup

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She snorted. “That’ll be the day.”

Bastien got them a VIP booth at Flow and made sure the bottle service was put on his tab. He hung out for a few hours until he was sure Jace and his friends wouldn’t miss him. The limo was outside ready to take them back to the house at last call, or when they got kicked out, whichever came first.

He couldn’t be in that club without thinking of Mikelina and he didn’t feel like dancing or drinking the night away. So he sneaked out when the groomsmen were doing shots and drove over to the intimate club where Christian Dibiasi was playing. Bastien hoped that his name was still on the list to get in so he’d at least be able to hear a few songs.

It was on the schedule after all.

The bouncer let him in and although the club was as crowded as Flow, it was more sedate with a chill vibe. An usher led him toward a curved booth with a high back. The air was hazy from the lights and it gave off a serene feel that immediately had him relaxing. This was exactly what he needed after a long day.

When he went to slide into the booth, he was surprised to see Mikelina sitting there. She was in a low-cut peach sundress that accentuated her curves. Her long black hair was held up by a shelled comb and it showed off her graceful neck. He wanted to nibble his way up it to whisper in her ear exactly what he wanted to do to her.

She blinked up at him. “I hope you don’t mind. I didn’t want the seats to go to waste.”

“Is there room for me?” He sat next to her on the red velvet cushion. He didn’t care if there was or not. His night just got one hundred percent better.

“It’s just you and me.”

“How did I get so lucky?”

He ordered a beer and had the waitress top off Mikelina’s wine. Then he put his arm around her, and they listened to Christian Dibiasi play his heart out on the saxophone before switching to piano. It was bliss to sit there with his fingers lightly brushing her bare shoulder. He expected to feel sleepy after the day he had, but he was surprisingly energized.

And of course, he wanted her again.

“He’s amazingly talented,” Mikelina said after the final set. “My friend Selena has a huge crush on him.”

“Why isn’t she here tonight?”

“She’s in Maui, the poor thing.” Mikelina rolled her eyes. “She works for Five Diamond Resorts, too. She’s a personal chef. So if you guys wanted gourmet meals, she would have come in and cooked them for you.”

“I think these guys just want to throw meat on a fire and call it a day.”

“That can be fun, too. They seemed like they were ready to have a good time.”

Bastien rolled his eyes. “I’m not that much older than them, but they make me feel ancient.”

“You have different tastes. That’s not a bad thing.”

“It is a bit.” He took a swig of his beer. “I wanted to get to know him a little better. For my sister’s sake. My father is only interested in this match because it will positively affect our business. I just want to make sure he’s good enough for my little sister, you know?”

“That’s so sweet. She’s lucky she has someone like you looking after her.”

“Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

Mikelina shook her head. “I’m an only child. My mother lives down in Boca Raton and my father is...out of the picture.”

Bastien wondered at the painful pause, but figured it was probably a rough divorce that put Mikelina in the middle. He was lucky that his parents, while not adoringly in love with each other, at least never aired their differences in front of him and his sister.

“Jace will always have his best friends,” she said. “But he’ll come to appreciate having someone older, more experienced and more balanced to turn to as well.”

“Balanced? You make me sound like a scale.”

“I mean it as a compliment, trust me. I could use a little balance in my life.”

Bastien grinned. “Here I am.”

She blushed. “I meant that my life can be a little crazy.”

“Your job?”

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