Page 19 of Wild Wedding Hookup

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“ANDTHISIS the security code. You and I are the only ones that have it, so if you leave while the maids are still working, please let them know to contact me and I can lock the doors remotely.”

It was close to 3:00 a.m. and Mikelina was holding on to her dignity by a thread. She couldn’t wait to finish up the orientation so she could go home and throw herself off the balcony. Only the cheap hotel room where she stayed when the beach house was booked was on the second floor and over a bunch of bushes, so she’d probably survive the jump. She wasn’t sure she wanted to survive this night.

“Are we not going to talk about what happened in the bar?” Bastien asked.

It was very uncomfortable to have him seated at her family’s dining room table while she nattered on about using the seven-thousand-dollar coffee machine.

“Can we forget all about it?” she asked weakly. “I need to be professional.”

After the big reveal, she had to endure the painful ride back to the house with him because she had come with Abbie and didn’t have her car. He had left a message on her phone that he had gotten in early and would rather check in tonight. However, she hadn’t gotten it until after they met in the bar. Mikelina could have put her foot down and made him stay the night in a hotel, but they were both awake now and maybe by letting him check in early, he would forget that they were groping each other on the dance floor when he talked to her boss.

“Okay, let me know when you’re finished being professional so we can talk about this. I’d rather do it tonight.” Bastien looked at his watch and grimaced. “Or this morning. Before the groomsmen get here.”

Mikelina sighed. “You’re right. I don’t want to be weird around them. I’m supposed to be working with you all closely to make the bachelor party go off seamlessly. I can’t do that if I can’t even look at you.” She slumped into the chair next to him and held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Mikelina. I’ll be your concierge for the next two weeks.”

“Bastien Ainsworth. Do you want to dance?”

She gaped at him as he turned the sound system on the way she’d just walked him through it a few minutes ago. He put on a slow jazz number and took her outstretched hand and tugged her up and into his arms again.

This changed things.

He was no longer a stranger.

She was in her own home.

It was just the two of them.

The air seemed to leave her lungs when he kissed her slowly as they danced around her living room.

It was beyond unprofessional to sleep with the client. Kirk would fire her if he knew she was doing this. And yet... Bastien was still the sexy man from the bar that she had wanted to go much further with. They had the rest of the night, what was left of it.

It would cost a fortune to get an Uber at this hour. And she didn’t want to go back to her crappy hotel room and face the stark white walls all alone.

What was done was done.

If she’d known who he was, she wouldn’t have flirted with him in the bar. But she couldn’t take it back now, so she might as well enjoy it.

The tension completely left her body and she kicked off her shoes. He groaned when she undid the tie on her halter dress and it pooled at her feet. Still dancing, she pulled his T-shirt over his head and kissed the curve of his abs and chest.

“Why did you call me Mikelina in the bar? Did you recognize me?”

“Mikelina,” he sighed out, unhooking her strapless bra and tossing that to the ground as well. “I love your name. It’s so sexy. You’re so sexy. You told me to think of a name. You were on my mind.”

She danced with him in her panties, grinding against his thick hardness. The tips of her nipples brushed over his chest hair and all thoughts about her boss and the bachelor party fled. They had tonight and Mikelina deserved to be cherished like this for at least one night. Fumbling with his belt, she drew it slowly through the loops.

“You are so beautiful,” Bastien said, cupping her jaw.

“So are you,” she whispered, unbuttoning his pants. Reaching in, she pulled out his cock and wrapped her fingers around it. As she stroked it slow, she stared into his eyes that were dark with heady desire and need.

“That feels good,” he said, his head back as he enjoyed her caress.

His pants slid down his narrow hips and he kicked off his shoes and then stepped back. Mikelina swallowed hard, seeing his naked body in her living room. Bastien picked her up and seemed ready to carry her upstairs to the master bedroom.

“No,” she said, pointing to the large bedroom off the kitchen. “That one.” If she was going to have sex, it wouldn’t be in her parents’ bedroom. She was going to make love to her handsome stranger in her own bed.

Carrying her into the room, he laid her on the duvet and looked at her. “We’re going to need to take these off,” he said and peeled her panties down her legs.

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