Page 10 of Wild Wedding Hookup

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“Damn it,” Mikelina groaned. She’d pay for not comforting her more later.

The moment of beach zen was gone.

Abbie’s South Beach Surf Shop was a cute little boutique store, right off the beach. She made a mint selling boogie boards, surfboards, Sex Wax, snorkels and masks. And of course, racks and racks of bikinis and bathing suits.

“Hey, girl,” Abbie said as Mikelina walked into the shop. The air-conditioning blew over her heated skin like a splash of cold water.

“Abbie, I’m about to make your afternoon. You can close up and go home.” Mikelina leaned on the counter and petted the store cat, Jinx. Jinx flicked an ear at her.

“I’m about to close up and go home, anyway.”

“I need ten board shorts.”

“Ten, huh? Are you having a party without me?”

“I would never have a party without you. No, these are for the bachelor party that’s rented my house, or should I say the jewel in the crown of the Five Diamond Resorts’ South Beach properties?” Mikelina quoted the marketing literature, tongue in cheek.

Abbie gestured to a rack by the far wall. “Take your pick. Are you paying or is Five Diamond paying?”

Michelina slapped the corporate card on the counter with a grin. “What do you think?”

“I think we both deserve a treat. You’re not going to believe this. I’ve got tickets to Flow.”

“What’s Flow? Sounds like something that happens once a month,” Mikelina said, riffling through the suits, making sure to get an assortment of colors.

“Have you been living under a rock?” Abbie scoffed. “Flow happens to be the hottest new nightclub in town.”

“What happened to the hottest old nightclub in town?” Mikelina double-checked the sizes.

“It’s still there, but it’s not as exclusive as this place is.”

“If it’s so exclusive, how are we going to get in?” She grabbed five beach towels to supplement the house’s stock.

Abbie flashed two gold tickets. “Because the bartender is trying to get in my pants, so I have these two get-out-of-jail-free passes.”

Mikelina brought her purchases to the counter. “I can’t go to jail, even if we get out free. I’ve got to open up the house for the bachelor party tomorrow at eleven.” She closed her eyes. “No, wait. At ten because his lordship demands it.”

“Who’s his lordship?”

“Bastien Ainsworth. He’s the best man who’s in charge of the bachelor party. He’s been on my ass all month asking for things.” She sighed. “Actually, he hasn’t been that bad. I’ve had worse. I’m just in a really nasty mood lately. I don’t know why.” She handed Abbie the suits to ring them up.

“I think it’s because you’re finally processing that Tanner is in prison and it’s just you and your mom now.”

“It’s been a whole year. I’m over it.” Mikelina swiped the corporate card, trying not to wince at the total. It wasn’t her money. She loved her friends, but she wouldn’t drop almost a grand on bathing suits for them.

“I think you’ve been in emergency mode for most of that year and now that things are normalizing, it’s your turn to be angry.”

“I didn’t know we were taking turns.”

“That’s because you’ve been Kirk’s good little worker bee for the past year. When was the last time you went out on a date?”

“I went out to dinner with an investment banker in Cartagena last month.”

“You didn’t tell me about this.” Abbie leaned her elbows on the counter. “Spill it.”

Mikelina rubbed Jinx under the chin as she tried to keep the hurt feelings from entering her voice. “It was very romantic. He took me to this gorgeous seafood restaurant on the water. We had a few bottles of really expensive wine, and then...”

Abbie leaned forward eagerly.

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