Page 57 of Impress Me

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“Is that so?” Ryan asks.

“It’s so.”

“Anything else?”

Before I can get snarky or say anything else, the doors to the room burst open and Allison Green marches in. We’ve met three different times over the last few weeks, but every single time, she acts like she can’t remember my name or who I am. I’m not sure if this is some kind of power trip or if she really is just that mean.

“Ryan, what the hell is this? An audit of my projects? I don’t know –“ Her words cut off as she realizes that Ryan isn’t alone. I’m here, too. I probably look like I’m cozy since I’m leaning over his desk. It’s definitely giving the wrong impression, like we’re sleeping together. Then again, maybe it’s giving exactly the right impression.

I want to be sleeping together.

I want so many things from Ryan: things I don’t think I’m ever going to get.

“Oh,” Allison says. “I’m interrupting.”

“Yes,” Ryan agrees. “You are.”

The three of us just stare at each other for a long time.

“Ryan, could I have a word with you alone?” Allison looks at me like I’m kind of trash. It’s the mean-girl look every woman knows. We learn this in elementary school when the cool kids take our Barbie dolls and cut off their hair. We’re reminded of it in middle school when there are whispers of, “Did you hear who she kissed?” Then, in high school, it’s solidified when the rumors get more cruel. “She’s fat.” “She’s a slut.” “She sucked off the teacher for an ‘A.’”

Allison is forgetting something, though. She doesn’t realize that this isn’t middle school, and I’m not a little girl who is just finding her place in the world. No, I’m not the most confident woman in the world, but I know enough about girls like her to know that this is a power play on her part. She wants to scare me, so I’ll back down, but unfortunately for her, I’m not really interested in that.

“We’re in the middle of lunch,” I tell her. “You’ll need to come back later.”

Ryan’s eyes widen ever-so-slightly. He didn’t think I’d have the balls to stand up to Allison. He doesn’t realize that the worse my days get, the better off my mouth is. I get stronger and sassier. I get a little meaner. It’s on days like today when I am reminded of just how fucking strong I am.

I survived foster care. If that doesn’t make me a superhero, I don’t know what does.

“Excuse me?” Allison’s voice wavers for just a second before she stands up straighter and seems to steel herself. I might be imagining things, but her perfectly straight blonde hair seems to get a little frizzy. Those are stress frizzes. Good. She’s nervous. “I was talking to Ryan.”

“It’s Mr. Shadowvale,” I correct her. “Again, we’re having lunch. Please leave. You can call me or send me an email. I’d be happy to get a meeting with Mr. Shadowvale scheduled for you. I believe he has some time tomorrow afternoon.”

Her jaw drops. Allison turns to Ryan, but he doesn’t come to her rescue. Instead, he shrugs, as if to say that he can’t do anything about this. I am his assistant, after all. I’m the person who manages his calendar and his projects. If she actually wants to talk to him, she truly will need to come through me.

This is kind of a total vibe.

It works, though. Allison mutters something I can’t make out. She turns to leave. Her heels click loudly across the floor. As soon as she’s out of the office, I march to the door and lock it.

“You’re locking the door.”

“You’re observant.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Are we being sassy today?” Ryan is on his feet in a minute and across the room. He invades my space, standing so close to me that I feel like I’m going to faint.

“We’re sassy every day,” I say.

“Not like this. Why are you jealous of Allison?”

“I’m not jealous of her,” I correct. “I’m annoyed with her. She doesn’t have the right to barge in here and interrupt.”

“People interrupt my meetings thirty times a day, Allison,” he says. “It’s never bothered you before.”

Because I’ve never been a horny slut like I am today. I need a dick in me. His dick. It’s making me cranky. I’ve been masturbating so damn much, but it’s never enough because I want the real thing.

“You’re a tease,” I blurt out. I don’t mean to say this. He seems taken aback for just a moment, but then a smile spreads over his lips.

“A tease? Me?”

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