Page 16 of Impress Me

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I still won’t have money.


This is it, and I’m going to do a great job.

I push the door open, and I walk inside.



She enters without knocking. This is a bold move, but perhaps she’s just ill-mannered. I should have expected that. Beatrice recommended this girl, and while I trust my cousin’s opinion when it comes to style and fashion, her ability to pick out employees remains to be seen.

What I didn’t expect was for the girl walking into my office to look so...professional. At a first glance, I might have assumed she was a representative from another company. Her hair is pulled back in a tight, low bun. She’s wearing a black skirt and a white blouse with black shoes.

On closer inspection, though, I can tell that these are off-brand shoes that are years old. She probably polished them or - heaven forbid - washed them before she came in. Her skirt looks just a little bit faded, and her blouse has the appearance of something that’s been washed just a few too many times with colorful clothing instead of a white-only load.

Okay, so this is definitely the woman my cousin sent.

It’s really happening.

My dick twitches just a little as I notice the outline of her dark bra beneath the shirt. She’s a little bit messy, isn’t she? Well, I don’t know if she’ll be a good receptionist, but maybe she’ll be a bit of fun.

I stand when she enters. Whether she’s earned my good manners or not, I’ll demonstrate them in this moment.

“Miss Sparrow,” I say.

“Alex,” she smiles and walks toward me. She allows the door to close on its own instead of closing it herself. When the door reaches the frame, it makes a loud noise. This isn’t an oversight. It’s a test. When someone walks into my office and closes the door themselves, I know they’re serious. Collected. Calculating. Someone who just lets the door slam shut on its own obviously doesn’t care about their surroundings.

Like this woman.

She’s uncultured.

That’s fine.

I’m giving her a small chance. A tiny one. I do need help with getting my calendar organized and scheduling meetings. Damien is going out of town for nearly a month to visit his grandmother in Scotland. While I’d love to let him work remotely, he wants to actually “be on vacation.” Pity.

So, if Alex plays her cards right, she can plan on working here for at least a month. I don’t know if our arrangement will go any longer than that. The decision depends entirely on whether she manages to move me during this interview.

It could go either way, and so far, I’ve decided that I’d love to sink my dick into her, but I’m not sure whether I want to entrust her with my passwords or my emails. My cousin seems to think she’s worth giving a chance, but Alexandra needs to impress me if she’s going to get an opportunity.

I stand and walk around my desk to where she’s standing in the center of the room. Good posture. Feet slightly spread. She’d look better pushed over my desk with those legs of hers wiggling while I paddled her ass red.


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