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As the sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the chaos of the crime scene, I found a quiet moment to pull Sienna aside. I cupped her face in my hands, drinking in the sight of her – tired, bruised, but alive and triumphant.

“You were amazing in there,” I said, my thumb tracing her cheekbone. “I’ve never been more terrified or more proud in my life.”

She leaned into my touch, a small smile playing at her lips. “We did it together,” she replied. “Just like we said we would.”

I nodded, leaning in to rest my forehead against hers. As I held her close, I made a silent vow to never let her face such danger alone again. But I also acknowledged the strength and bravery she’d shown, the fierce determination that had saved not only herself but countless others.

“So,” Sienna murmured, her breath warm against my skin, “what do you say we get out of here and go home?”

I smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. “Home sounds perfect. But first...” I pulled back slightly, meeting her curious gaze. “How exactly did you manage to cause that explosion?”



I jolted awake, my heart racing as the remnants of the nightmare faded. Fury’s arm tightened around my waist, his warmth anchoring me to reality.

“You’re safe,” he murmured, his voice rough with sleep. “I’ve got you.”

I took a deep breath, letting his words wash over me. Safe. It was still a foreign concept, even weeks after the raid on Arthur’s mansion. But as I nestled closer to Fury, I felt the truth of it settle into my bones.

The clock on the nightstand read 3:17 AM. Another restless night, but they were becoming less frequent. I closed my eyes, thinking back to the chaos that had followed our escape from the mansion.

The sirens had barely faded when the media circus descended. Reporters clamored for details, their microphones thrust in our faces as we tried to shield the rescued women from their prying eyes. I’d given a brief statement, my voice steady despite the trembling in my hands, before Fury whisked me away from the cameras.

The following days were a blur of police interviews, medical examinations, and debriefings. I’d insisted on staying close to Venus throughout it all, watching over her as she began the long process of healing. The drugs they’d pumped her full of had taken their toll, leaving her disoriented and weak. But even in those early days, I saw flashes of the fierce woman I knew her to be.

“How is she doing?” Fury asked softly, pulling me from my thoughts.

I turned in his arms, meeting his concerned gaze. “Better,” I said. “She’s starting to open up in therapy. It’s going to be a long road, but she’s strong.”

He nodded, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “Like someone else I know.”

I smiled, warmth blooming in my chest at his words. It was still strange sometimes, being on the receiving end of such unwavering support and affection. But I was learning to embrace it, to believe that I deserved it.

“Have you thought more about testifying?” Fury asked, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on my back.

I sighed, the weight of the upcoming trial settling over me. “Yeah. I’m going to do it. They need to pay for what they’ve done.”

The thought of facing Ralf, Arthur, and his associates in court made my stomach churn, but I knew it was necessary. My testimony, along with the mountain of evidence we’d uncovered, would ensure they spent the rest of their lives behind bars.

“I’ll be right there with you,” Fury promised. “Every step of the way.”

I leaned in, capturing his lips in a gentle kiss. “I know. I couldn’t do this without you.”

As the first rays of dawn peeked through the curtains, we reluctantly untangled ourselves from each other and started our day. The routine we’d fallen into over the past weeks was comforting—shared showers, coffee brewed just the way I liked it, stolen kisses as we got dressed.

On the drive to Club Privé, I marveled at how much had changed in such a short time. The club itself was thriving under the new security measures Gavin had implemented. He’d hired a team of ex-military personnel to handle security, and every employee had undergone extensive background checks. The dancers felt safer than ever, and it showed in their performances.

As we walked through the club’s main entrance, I was struck by the energy of the place. Even in the early morning hours, there was a buzz of activity as staff prepared for the night ahead.

“Sienna!” Venus called out, waving from behind the bar where she was restocking bottles. It was her temporary gig until she felt ready to get back on stage.

I made my way over to her, drinking in the sight of her looking so... normal. Her hair was pulled back in a messy bun, and she wore one of the club’s signature tank tops. To anyone else, she might have looked like just another bartender getting ready for her shift. But I could see the lingering shadows in her eyes, the slight tremor in her hands as she arranged the bottles.

“Hey, you,” I said, leaning against the bar. “How are you feeling today?”

She shrugged, a small smile playing at her lips. “Better, I suppose. Still some trouble sleeping.”

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