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I forced a laugh, channeling Dodd’s sleazy persona. “Yeah, figured we’d bring him a little present.”

The guard nodded, stepping aside to let us in. “Smart move. Follow me.”

There was no turning back now. We had a job to do, people to save. And come hell or high water, we were going to see it through.



My chest tightened, each heartbeat a desperate cry for escape as we delved deeper into the winding manor. The guard’s iron grip sent shockwaves through my arm, his fingers biting into my flesh as he shoved me forward with brutal force. I tripped, my feet scrabbling on the polished floor. Every fiber of my being screamed to fight back, to resist, but I choked down the urge, burying it in my gut. I had to play the part of the terrified, obedient captive, not a battle-hardened warrior.

I caught Fury’s backward glance, his face a storm of worry. His clenched jaw betrayed his barely contained rage. His muscles coiled, ready to explode at any second. I sensed him teetering on the edge, a hair’s breadth from blowing our meticulously crafted cover. With the tiniest shake of my head, I silently begged him to stay put. We’d invested too much, come too far to risk exposing ourselves now.

As we passed by an open door, I overheard two guards talking in low voices. “...yeah, the boss just left for that meeting in the city. Said he’d be back late tonight.”

Relief washed over me. Arthur was gone, just as we’d planned. One less complication to worry about.

The guard leading us stopped abruptly in front of a heavy wooden door. He rapped his knuckles against it twice before pushing it open. “Got some visitors for you, sir. Dodd and Ralf. They brought a gift.”

My stomach churned as we were ushered into what looked like a study. Behind an imposing desk sat a man I recognized from the files Gianni had shown us - Jackson Reeves, Arthur’s right-hand man and the head of his trafficking operation. His cold eyes swept over us, lingering on me with a look that made my skin crawl.

“Well,” Jackson drawled, leaning back in his chair. “What do we have here?”

Fury stepped forward, imitating Dodd’s cocky swagger. “Thought we’d bring you a peace offering. Show of good faith, you know?”

Jackson’s eyes narrowed. “And why, pray tell, do you think you need to make a peace offering?”

I could feel the tension radiating off Fury and Gavin. This was the moment of truth, the most crucial part of our deception. I subtly shifted my weight, drawing Jackson’s attention. Time to put my knowledge to use.

“Please,” I whimpered, injecting fear into my voice. “I-I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t hurt me.”

Jackson’s focus shifted fully to me, a predatory gleam in his eyes. “And who might you be, sweetheart?”

I ducked my head, playing the part of the terrified captive. “S-Sienna. I used to work for Ralf, but then I... I ran away. He caught me and brought me here.”

“Did he now?” Jackson stood, circling around his desk to approach me. He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him. “And why would he do that?”

I swallowed hard, letting genuine fear bleed into my expression. It wasn’t hard - the situation was terrifying enough without having to act. “B-because I know things. About the club, about... about Arthur Dalton.”

Jackson’s grip tightened painfully. “What kind of things?”

“Enough to cause trouble,” Gavin interjected, his voice gruff as he channeled Ralf’s persona. “Figured you’d want to deal with her personally. Make sure she doesn’t run her mouth to the wrong people.”

Jackson studied me for a long moment, his eyes cold and calculating. I held my breath, praying our story would hold up under his scrutiny. Finally, he released my chin and stepped back.

“Smart move,” he said, turning to address Fury and Gavin. “Arthur will be pleased. He’s been looking for this one for a while now.”

I allowed myself a small internal sigh of relief. He was buying it, at least for now.

As Jackson continued to question Fury and Gavin, I took the opportunity to survey the room. My eyes darted around, cataloging potential escape routes and weapons. Maybe even Venus.

No such luck.

“...and what exactly do you expect in return for this generous gift?” Jackson was saying, drawing my attention back to the conversation.

Fury shrugged, affecting an air of nonchalance. “Just looking to get back in the boss’s good graces. Maybe a cut of whatever you get for her.”

Jackson’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “That’s awfully generous of you. Last I heard, you weren’t exactly on Arthur’s favorite persons list. From what I know, you messed up. Couldn’t locate some of your girls you promised.”

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