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We spent the rest of the evening going over the plan, refining details and discussing contingencies. As we finally headed to bed, exhaustion weighing heavily on us both, I pulled Sienna close.

“No matter what happens tomorrow,” I murmured into her hair, “know that I love you. More than I ever thought possible.”

She tilted her head up, meeting my gaze with a fierce intensity. “I love you too. And we’re going to get through this. Together.”

As we drifted off to sleep, I held onto that thought. Together. No matter what challenges lay ahead, we’d face them side by side.

The next morning dawned far too early. We were both tense as we got ready, the weight of what we were about to do hanging heavy in the air. Sienna was quieter than usual, her movements precise as she dressed in clothes that would fit her undercover role.

“You okay?” I asked softly as she finished applying her makeup.

She met my gaze in the mirror, a determined set to her jaw. “Yeah. Just... getting into character, I guess.”

I nodded, understanding. This wasn’t just any undercover operation. For Sienna, it was a return to a world she’d fought hard to escape. I moved behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my chin on her shoulder.

“You’ve got this,” I murmured. “And I’ll be right there with you every step of the way.”

She leaned back into me, drawing strength from our connection. “I know. That’s what gives me the courage to do this.”

We arrived at Club Privé early, meeting Gavin and Gianni in Gavin’s office. The hacker had dark circles under his eyes, evidence of a sleepless night spent preparing our tech.

“Alright,” Gianni said, spreading out an array of equipment on the table. “I’ve got everything you’ll need. Earpieces for communication—they’re small enough to be practically invisible. Fake IDs for Fury and Gavin, complete with backstopped identities if anyone does a deep dive.”

He handed us each our respective gear, then turned to a laptop. “I’ve also hacked into the mansion’s security system. I can’t shut it down without raising suspicions, but I can create a loop in the camera feed for key areas once you’re inside. That should buy you some time to move around undetected.”

I nodded, impressed. “Nice work, Gianni. This is going to make a big difference.”

“There’s one more thing,” he said, his expression serious. “I’ve set up a kill switch for all of Arthur’s accounts and operations. Once you give the signal, I can shut everything down. It won’t be permanent, but it should create enough chaos to give the authorities time to move in and seize evidence.”

Gavin clapped Gianni on the shoulder. “Excellent. This is exactly what we needed.”

We spent the next hour going over the last details, making sure everyone knew their roles inside and out. As we prepared to leave, Gavin pulled me aside.

“My police contact is ready,” he said in a low voice. “They’ll move in on Arthur the moment we give the signal. But Fury... let’s be careful in there. If anything seems off, we abort the mission. We can always try again, but not if we’re dead or arrested.”

I nodded, appreciating his concern. “Understood. We’ll be careful.”

My heart raced as we stepped out to the car, adrenaline coursing through my veins. This was it. The culmination of endless cups of coffee and meticulous planning. I caught Sienna’s eye, her jaw set with resolve, but I noticed the slight tremble in her hands as she reached for the car door.

“Ready?” I asked softly.

She took a deep breath, then nodded. “As I’ll ever be. Let’s do this.”

The drive to the mansion was tense, each of us lost in our own thoughts. As we approached the imposing gates, I felt my heart rate increase. This was it. No turning back now. We only hoped that none of the guards knew Dodd and Ralf personally.

I rolled down the window, adopting Dodd’s cocky demeanor as I addressed the guard. “We’re Dodd and Ralf,” I said as I handed him our fake IDs. “We’re here to see the boss. Got a special delivery for him.” I jerked my thumb towards the backseat where Sienna sat, her wrists bound in front of her.

The guard’s eyes widened slightly as he recognized Sienna, then he nodded and handed back the IDs. “Go on through. Park by the side entrance.”

As we drove up the winding driveway, I caught Gavin’s eye. We shared a look of grim determination. Whatever happened next, we were in this together.

I parked the car, and we got out, Gavin roughly pulling Sienna from the backseat. My heart clenched at the sight, even though I knew it was all an act.

“Remember,” I murmured as we approached the door, “if anything feels off, we abort. No heroics.”

Sienna and Gavin both nodded imperceptibly. Then the door swung open, revealing a burly man with a gun holstered at his hip.

“Well, well,” he said, eyeing Sienna with a predatory grin. “Looks like Christmas came early this year. The boss is gonna be real happy to see you.”

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