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“How was Skylar when they left?” Fury asked, voicing my unspoken question.

The bodyguard’s expression softened slightly. “Shaken up, but physically fine. The woman who took her statement was really understanding. Didn’t push too hard.”

I sighed in relief. “Thank god. That poor girl’s been through enough.”

Fury’s hand found mine, giving it a gentle squeeze.

On my other side, Vanessa’s parents were huddled together, speaking in hushed tones. I’d called them as soon as we’d arrived at the hospital, and they’d rushed over immediately.

“Any news?” Vanessa’s mother had asked, her voice trembling slightly.

I shook my head. “Not yet, but no news is good news, right?”

Finally, a short, slightly plump woman in a white coat entered the waiting room. The air seemed to still as all conversation ceased, and we collectively sat up straighter.

“Family of Vanessa Rodriguez?” she called out, her eyes scanning the room.

My heart leaped into my throat as I stood, Vanessa’s parents right beside me. “That’s us,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “How is she?”

The doctor came over, and the smile on her face made me think things were okay.

“She has a concussion. It’s more than a mild one, and we’re going to keep her overnight for observation, but I’m optimistic that she won’t have any long-lasting effects.”

“Thank goodness,” Mrs. Rodriguez said, her shoulders slumping in relief. “Can we see her?”

“Immediate family only, and two at a time. If she gets tired, you’ll have to go.”

I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t go see her, but I knew she was okay, and that would have to be enough. I told her mother to let Vanessa know that if she needed me, just to reach out, and then I turned to Fury.

“I think I’m going to go.”

“Okay.” He stood up and held out his hand. When I gave him a questioning look, he explained, “The shooter might flip on Arthur, but as of right now, Dalton’s still out there. You’re not safe until he’s caught.”

He had a point.

“Come home with me,” he said. “Your stuff is there, anyway. We can figure out the next step in the morning.”

I took his hand and laced my fingers between his. As we said our goodbyes and headed out to Fury’s car, I went back over everything that’d happened from arriving at Dodd’s apartment through Fury hugging me as we realized the worst was over. So many emotions swamped me that I felt almost suffocated by them. By the time we got back to Fury’s condo, the pressure of everything building up inside me had me ready to explode.

Then Fury looked at me with unconcealed heat in his eyes. That was it.

The front door wasn’t even all the way closed before we started tearing at each other’s clothes. All the stress and adrenaline from the day, the close call, and the relief of it being over eliminated even the possibility of taking this slow. And, fortunately, Fury seemed to be on the same wavelength because his fingers were just as busy with the button of my pants as mine were with his. Then we were down to a bra for me and socks for him, and waiting any longer to have him inside me seemed ridiculous.

As his mouth latched onto mine, he grabbed my ass and lifted me. My legs went around his waist. A little maneuvering while he devoured me and his cock was sliding home at the same time my back came up against the wall. I heard something fall to the floor and hoped it wasn’t important because the only thing I really cared about at the moment was how fucking fantastic I felt being full of long, thick cock.

When he started to move, using the wall to brace us, my eyes rolled back, and I broke the kiss just so I could start chanting his name. Well, his name, the word yes, and a whole lot of expletives.

I clung to him as he thrust up into me; the angle putting just the right pressure on my clit, and our closeness causing my bra to chafe my nipples until they were tight buds, burning with a near-painful intensity. But it was the fact that I couldn’t really move, couldn’t really control my pleasure, that ramped up my arousal. It was all up to him now, and letting him have that control broke something open in me, solidified this bond that we’d been creating from the first moment we’d met.

As I raked my nails across his back, he growled low in his throat and pounded into me harder, fingers digging into my hips hard enough to leave bruises. Up and up I went, the spiral of pleasure tightening until I reached the peak. I came with a cry, each of his strokes prolonging it until I couldn’t think, could see. Then he came in a rush, his teeth going to the side of my throat, giving me a nudge to spill over into a second climax, a reminder that we were alive and we were together.

And that was more than I’d ever dreamed I could have. A man I loved and who loved me, who could rock my world physically, and be my rock emotionally. He was everything I hadn’t known I’d wanted. And as we stood there, wrapped up in each other, I knew everything that’d happened from the moment Gavin sent me to that airport had been leading up to now and to the new future I saw stretching out in front of me.



I paced back and forth in Gavin’s office, my mind racing with possibilities. We were pretty sure Arthur wasn’t far away yet, but it wasn’t enough. We needed to find out where he was located, bring him down and rescue Venus, if possible. The weight of the situation pressed down on me, but I refused to let it crush me. There had to be a solution.

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