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“Sir, I need you to stand up and keep your hands where I can see them.”

I looked up to find a young cop standing over me, weapon drawn and aimed uncertainly between my captive and me.

“This guy assaulted me,” the shooter whined, playing innocent. “I didn’t do nothing; he just knocked me down.”

I rolled my eyes. “His gun is over there,” I said, gesturing with my chin. “I’ll happily get up, but you might want to secure that man before he reaches for it.”

The cop’s eyes darted from me to the gun, then back to the man face-down on the sidewalk. With a nod, he positioned himself between the weapon and the guy.

“I’m going to stand up now,” I said slowly, not wanting any misunderstandings. “I’ll keep my hands in the air and stand right here while you secure him.”

“I’ve got him, Officer Timmons.” An older cop approached from behind me. “You secure that man on the ground, and we’ll start getting statements. Starting with who shot that man over there.”

“Him,” I said quickly, nodding at the guy I’d tackled. “And I’m not the only witness.”


Sienna’s voice cut through the chaos. She threw her arms around me, burying her face in my chest. I glanced at the older cop, who nodded in understanding.

Relieved, I returned the embrace and wrapped my arms around Sienna. “It’s okay,” I murmured into her hair. “We’re safe now. It’s over.”

She pulled back slightly, her emerald eyes wide and searching. “Vanessa? The bodyguard?”

“EMTs are with them,” I assured her. “We did everything we could.”

Sienna nodded, then suddenly frowned. “Your hands... they’re shaking.”

I hadn’t even noticed. The adrenaline was wearing off, leaving me feeling drained. “Yeah, well, tackling armed kidnappers isn’t exactly my day job.”

That got a small laugh out of her. “My hero,” she said, only half-joking.

I cupped her face gently. “Hey, we’re in this together, remember? You were pretty heroic yourself.”

She leaned into my touch, a mix of emotions playing across her face. “What happens now?”

I looked around at the flashing lights, the bustling officers, the stunned onlookers. We’d thwarted Arthur’s kidnapping plan and had one of his guys in custody. The cops would listen to our suspicions now and hopefully only a matter of time before Arthur was behind bars, too. “Now? We give our statements, make sure Vanessa and Gavin’s guy are okay, and then...” I met her gaze, allowing myself a small, hopeful smile. “Then we start thinking about that future we talked about. Together.”

Sienna’s eyes softened, a tentative smile tugging at her lips. “Together,” she echoed. “I like the sound of that.”



I shifted uncomfortably in the hard plastic chair, wincing as my back protested. Hospital waiting room chairs were really uncomfortable, but until I knew for certain that Vanessa and the bodyguard were okay, I wasn’t going anywhere.

Next to me, Fury let out a soft groan as he stretched, his arm coming to rest behind me on the back of my chair. The warmth of his presence was oddly comforting.

“You okay?” he murmured, his voice low and concerned.

I nodded, offering a tight smile. “Yeah, just worried about Vanessa.”

Across from us, the bodyguard who’d come with Gavin to rescue Skylar was furiously tapping away at his phone. I caught his eye and raised an eyebrow.

“Everything alright?” I asked.

He glanced up briefly. “Just updating Mr. Manning. Calvin, the injured bodyguard, is still in surgery.”

I nodded, remembering that Gavin had taken Skylar back to his place about a few minutes ago after her doctor had given her an all-clear.

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