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All of this went through my head in an instant, but it must have also shown on my face before Fury’s expression softened and he leaned down to brush his lips across mine. Something about it seemed to have eased the strain he was under because he slid the rest of the way home in one smooth stroke, holding himself there just as his gaze held mine.

We didn’t stay like that for very long, both of us giving in to our bodies’ more primal needs, but something felt like it changed in those few intimate moments. We were joined in the closest way two human beings could be joined and yet it was the precious seconds when our eyes met that made something click between us. When we started moving, it was in perfect synch with each other, as if this had been as carefully planned and practiced as one of my routines.

The world faded away until nothing existed but us and our dance. No pain from my head. No sounds through the too-thin walls of my apartment. Not the complications of work and life that threatened to pull us apart. It was only the dance and the heat we generated with it. Heat that turned from smoldering embers to a full-out inferno, burning us until we combusted together. Combusted and then rode the waves of pleasure until they finally faded, leaving us panting and our skin slick with sweat.

And, for the moment, at least, satisfied and content.



I’d never understood it when people said they wanted to spend all day in bed with someone. Even with my former girlfriends, the only time I lingered in bed after sex was during those rare moments when we fell asleep together. I wasn’t an asshole who’d finish and kick my partner out, but this wasn’t aftercare or cuddling or whatever people called it.

This was something else entirely.

“Are you sure I’m not keeping you from work?” Sienna asked as she rolled onto her side, facing me. Her cheeks were still flushed from our third round of lovemaking, and although I’d come three times in two hours, my dick stirred back to life.

“Believe me,” I tucked some escaped hair behind her ear, “there’s no place I’d rather be than right here with you.”

And it wasn’t just a line to ease her guilt. It was a Thursday afternoon, and I was lounging in bed, feeling no urgency to do anything else. Not only was there no restless need, but I didn’t want to be doing anything else.

She sighed, catching my hand and kissing my palm. “Unfortunately, I have to go to work soon. My boss is a great guy, but I can’t very well tell him I’m calling off because his friend has fucked me upside down and sideways.”

I raised an eyebrow. “I remember the sideways, but I must’ve missed something because I don’t recall anything upside down.”

She grinned at me, humor dancing in her eyes. “Maybe that’s something we can try out next time.”

Next time.

I liked the sound of that.

I liked it so much that I was tempted to persuade her to skip work. I wouldn’t do it though. That’d be too much like trying to control her.

When my phone rang, I groaned and rolled over, stretching out to grab my pants from the floor. I laughed when I saw Gavin’s name on the screen and turned my phone toward her so she could see it. Sienna’s eyes went wide, and a new color flooded her face.

Her phone rang just as I answered mine. “Hey, Gavin. What’s up?”

“Someone broke into the club. Can you come by? If you’re too busy, that’s fine, but?—”

I cut him off before he could offer me an excuse. “I’m on my way.”

I turned back to Sienna just as she hung up her phone. Seeing her pale face and shaken expression, I felt pretty confident I could guess that she’d just heard the same news I had. She looked like I had felt when my office had been vandalized.

That thought gave me pause. Both my place of business and Gavin’s had been messed with, and Sienna had been ‘mugged,’ all within a short period of time.

“That was Laila,” Sienna said as she threw back the covers. “I’m guessing Gavin told you that the club was broken into.”

“Yep.” I followed her lead, quickly redressing. “Want to ride together or separately?”

She gave me a surprised look. “Do you really think I have a car?”

I shrugged. “Didn’t want to assume.” I adjusted my shirt. “Guess that turns my question into ‘Would you like a ride instead of taking the subway or a bus or however you normally get to work?’”

“You’re a brave man,” Sienna said, braiding her hair with that quick efficiency that I’d seen in some of my cousins. “Few non-natives keep driving in New York traffic after the first couple of weeks here.”

“It probably won’t come as a shock to you that I prefer being in control as much as possible.” I grinned, hoping to recapture some of that lightness we’d shared before our phones rang.

The soft curve of her lips wasn’t a full-blown smile, but the look in her eyes suggested she understood my attempt to lighten the mood and appreciated it.

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