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The moment I thought of him, I realized I wanted him here for this. I could lean on him, and he’d do whatever was necessary to help. He wouldn’t judge Lulu, either. The only potential downside I could foresee was him discovering my past as an escort, but I couldn’t let that stand in the way of helping her.

“I have someone I’m going to call,” I said firmly.

“Your boss?”

I shook my head. “No, he’s caught up in something at the club. But I’ve got someone who will help.”

And as I spoke the words, I knew they were true. He would help.



I was deep in a conference call with our West Coast office when my phone buzzed. Sienna’s name flashed on the screen, and my heart skipped a beat. We’d been texting back and forth since our steamy exchange, but this was the first time she’d called.

“Sorry, guys, I need to take this,” I said, cutting off Cory mid-sentence. “Jules can fill you in on the rest.”

I didn’t wait for a response before ending the call and answering Sienna’s.

“Fury?” Sienna’s voice quivered, sending a chill down my spine. “I need your help. Can you come to my place?”

“Of course,” I blurted out, already on my feet. “What’s going on?”

She paused, her breath catching audibly. “It’s... it’s my friend. She’s been assaulted. Badly.”

My chest constricted, her vulnerability piercing through me. This wasn’t our usual flirtatious dance. She was reaching out to me—not Gavin—in a moment of crisis, and the weight of her trust settled heavily on my shoulders.

“Did you call the police?” I asked, my voice low and steady.

Another pause, longer this time. “No. Not yet. I need you. Are you coming?”

“I’m on my way,” I assured her, my heart racing. “Text me your address. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I snatched my jacket off the back of my chair and fumbled for my keys, calling out to Jules as I strode towards the door. “I’ve got to go. Family emergency. Can you handle things here?”

Jules looked up, her brow furrowing with concern. “Of course. Go. I’ve got this.”

I rushed out of the office, my mind racing. As I navigated through the busy New York streets, I debated my next move. My instincts told me this was serious, and we might need backup.

Making a split-second decision, I dialed 911.

“I need to report an assault,” I said as soon as the operator answered. “I’m heading to the victim’s location now. Can you send officers to meet me there?”

After giving them Sienna’s address, I focused on getting there as quickly as possible. I arrived before the police, rushing up to Sienna’s apartment and knocking urgently.

The door swung open, revealing Sienna’s worried face. “Fury, thank God you’re here.”

As I stepped inside, I saw a woman on the couch, her face battered and bruised. My stomach churned at the sight.

“Lulu, this is Fury Gracen,” Sienna introduced as I followed her to the couch. “Fury, this is Lulu Parr.”

My heart clenched as I took in Lulu’s battered face. “It’s good to meet you,” I said, the words feeling hollow in the face of her suffering. “I wish it had been under better circumstances.”

Lulu’s lips quivered as she attempted a response. “Thanks for coming.” Each word seemed to cost her, her voice barely above a whisper.

I hesitated, then decided to be upfront. “Oh, you mentioned you hadn’t called the police, so I did that on my way over.”

The moment the words left my mouth, the air in the apartment grew thick with tension. Lulu’s eyes widened in panic, her body beginning to shake uncontrollably.

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