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He turned back, eyebrows raised.

“Be here two hours before the party starts. We need a medical and get you fitted for a costume.”

He grinned and gave me a mock salute before disappearing down the hallway.

I turned back to Jasmine, who had been watching the entire exchange with wide eyes.

“Did that really just happen?” she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

I shook my head, still not quite believing it myself. “Apparently so.”



Most people wouldn’t consider hanging out at a client’s house with his family, diving into research, as their idea of a good time, but I was all in. We had taken over the Manning dining room table, our documents scattered across it like a chaotic paper landscape. It was a welcome distraction from the nagging obsession over Sienna ghosting me ever since our hot little encounter at the club two nights ago. That was, of course, until I accidentally opened my mouth about her.

Leaning back in his chair, Gavin fixed me with a steady gaze that felt both serious and unnerving. “Look, man, I know we’re all about business here, but we’re becoming friends, too. And I’ve got to be upfront, I was serious about Sienna being off-limits.”

“You know I’d never intentionally cause her pain,” I replied, the memory of our fiery encounter flashing through my mind—the intensity of my grip, the sting of her nails etching into me, even through the fabric of my shirt. Had I been too forceful? Had she said something to Gavin? The questions lingered in my mind.

“Seriously, Fury, let it go,” he urged, his voice calm but laced with genuine concern. “There are literally millions of other women to pursue in this city.”

Chuckles from the kitchen caught our ears, and I noticed Gavin’s face softened as his daughter, Skylar, twirled past, clutching her younger brother, Micah. Thanks to a series of events I only vaguely understood, her grandparents had raised Skylar from the get-go, but Gavin had always been present and Skylar knew he was her father. These days, she spent at least one weekend per month with Gavin and Carrie’s family to nurture bonds with her half-siblings.

Given Gavin’s protectiveness over Sienna, I felt sorry for any potential suitors of Skylar. She was well into her teens, and that day was fast approaching. Oh yes. I knew all too well. As a protective brother and cousin myself, I felt the urge to shield my loved ones.

If Skylar possessed even half the spunk and determination I suspected she did, Gavin would have his work cut out for him.

Of course, none of that helped me figure out a way to politely, but firmly, tell my friend to back off the Sienna issue. I appreciated that Gavin would always have her back, but I wasn’t some creep. Despite my reputation as a bit of a player, I didn’t mistreat women. Sure, things hadn’t always ended on good terms with every woman I’d been with, but any animosity usually stemmed from them not believing me when I’d stated upfront that I wasn’t looking for anything serious.

Except Sienna had completely thrown me. Having sex with a virtual stranger without clarifying it was a one-time thing was something I never did. Even in college, I’d been smarter than that. But something about Sienna seemed to turn my brain cells to mush.

“Maybe we should only meet here or at your new office for our business dealings,” Gavin continued. “Limit your time at the club. Out of sight, out of mind, and all that.”

“How are things going in here, boys?” Carrie’s question cut into our conversation, and from the look in her chocolate brown eyes, I could tell she’d shifted the subject on purpose. “Figure out what Arthur Dalton is up to yet?”

She came around the couch and leaned down to kiss Gavin’s cheek. Pregnant with their third child, she wasn’t yet far enough along to be showing, but the way she rested her hand on her stomach said just how aware of it she was.

I smiled as I took in their home, every corner reflecting the importance of family. Toys littered the floor despite Carrie’s lovingly exasperated reminders to the kids to pick up after themselves. The younger kids’ artwork adorned the fridge, alongside a test Skylar had aced. And pictures. Pictures were everywhere. Of the kids. Gavin and Carrie. The whole family, including Skylar.

It warmed my heart to see just as many pictures of her as there were of Micah and Katy. All the important milestones were captured, without a hint of favoritism from Carrie or Gavin. Coming from a blended family where explaining our connections usually involved charts and PowerPoint presentations, I knew all too well the asinine things people thought and said about ‘non-traditional’ families. I was glad to see my new friends didn’t hold onto any of those notions.

“We’re still looking,” Gavin said. “It’s nothing you need to worry about.”

“I’m not worried,” she assured him. “Just curious. It’s been a while since I’ve heard either of you mention his name.”

The pointed look she gave him clearly confirmed she’d interrupted on purpose to get him to lay off hounding me about Sienna. I wasn’t sure if that meant she actually thought Sienna and I would be good for each other or if she just wanted to remind him that his protectiveness over his employees should have limits, but either way, I welcomed the reprieve.

A sound from a nearby baby monitor offered even more distraction. It wasn’t exactly a cry, but it definitely sounded like it could become unhappy quickly.

“Katy’s awake,” Carrie said. “She slept longer than I thought she would with Skylar here.”

She started toward the stairs, but Gavin was on his feet in an instant. “Hey, we had an agreement. You need to take it easy, so our compromise was when I’m home, I’ll do the heavy lifting, including picking up our toddler from her bed.”

Carrie rolled her eyes. “I’m pregnant, Gavin. Not made of glass. And in case you’ve forgotten, I’ve done this twice before.”

“Yes, but Katy was two years ago and now you’re...” His voice trailed off as Carrie’s eyes narrowed.

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