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“Sienna?” Vanessa’s voice broke through my reverie. “You still with me?”

I blinked, realizing I’d been pushing the same piece of chicken around my plate for the past five minutes. “Yeah, sorry. Just... thinking.”

Vanessa’s expression softened. “About Fury?”

I opened my mouth to deny it, but the words wouldn’t come. Instead, I nodded. “I just... I don’t get it, V. Why does it bother me so much? I’ve seen plenty of guys come and go at the club. Why is he different?”

Vanessa reached across the table, squeezing my hand. “Maybe because he’s the first guy in a long time who’s gotten past those walls you’ve built up. And honey, that’s not a bad thing.”

I shook my head, pulling my hand away. “It is a bad thing. You know what happened. I can’t do this.”

Deep down, I knew she was right, but admitting it felt like opening Pandora’s box. If I acknowledged these feelings for Fury, where would it end? I’d spent years building up my defenses, carefully cultivating an image of the tough, no-nonsense talent coordinator who didn’t need anyone. Could I really risk all that for a guy I barely knew?

“It doesn’t matter anyway,” I said, forcing a lightness into my tone that I didn’t feel. “He’s clearly moved on to greener pastures. Did you see that Olivia woman? She looked like she stepped out of a Victoria’s Secret catalog.”

Vanessa rolled her eyes. “Please. That woman had ‘high maintenance’ written all over her. Besides, didn’t Fury introduce her as his real estate agent?”

I shrugged, stabbing a piece of avocado with more force than necessary. “So? Doesn’t mean they’re not sleeping together. You saw how cozy they looked.”

“Uh-huh,” Vanessa said, her tone skeptical. “And I’m sure that’s why Fury looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him up when he saw you. Because he was so proud of his conquest.”

I blinked, replaying the encounter in my mind. Now that she mentioned it, Fury had seemed... uncomfortable. Embarrassed, even. But why would he be embarrassed unless...

No. I shook my head, banishing the thought before it could take root. It didn’t matter. Whatever Fury did or didn’t do with Olivia was none of my business.

“Can we please talk about something else?” I pleaded. “How’s that cute doctor you were telling me about? The one with the dimples?”

Vanessa’s eyes lit up, and she launched into a detailed account of her latest interaction with Dr. Dimples. I let her words wash over me, grateful for the distraction.

But as I sipped my water, my mind wandered back to Fury. The way his eyes had widened when he saw me, the slight flush that had crept up his neck. And underneath it all, that undeniable spark of... something between us.

What if Vanessa was right? What if I was reading too much into things? And even if I wasn’t, did I have the courage to do something about it?



I stepped out of the elevator, the polished marble floor reflecting the morning sunlight streaming through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The air was thick with the scent of new carpet and fresh paint, a tangible reminder of the new beginning that awaited me. As I approached the reception area, a bright smile and an enthusiastic wave greeted me.

“Good morning, Mr. Gracen! Welcome to your new office!” Sarah, my receptionist, chirped, her green eyes sparkling with excitement.

I returned her smile. “Good morning, Sarah. And please, call me Fury. Mr. Gracen makes me feel old.”

She nodded, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. “Of course, Fury. Your office is ready, and I’ve set up the conference room for your team meeting at 10.”

I paused, drinking in the sleek, modern design of the space. My eyes traced the clean lines of the furniture and the minimalist decor, a sense of pride swelling in my chest. Olivia had outdone herself, her network of top-notch contractors transforming this blank canvas into a cutting-edge workspace in what felt like the blink of an eye. The office hummed with potential, ready for the challenges that lay ahead.

“Perfect, thank you,” I said as I savored the moment.

As I made my way to my office, my mind drifted to Sienna. It had only been a couple of weeks since I met her, but her impact on me was undeniable. The way her eyes flashed when she was challenged, the sound of her laughter echoing through Club Privé... I shook my head, trying to focus on the task at hand. There was no time for distractions, not when I was about to lead my first team meeting in our new Manhattan office.

Before I could dwell on it too much, there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” I called, turning to see Jules, my executive assistant, striding in, a stack of files in her arms. Jules, the only employee who had followed me from Palo Alto, brought a sense of continuity and familiarity that I desperately needed right now.

“Morning, boss,” she said, her tone businesslike but with a hint of warmth. “Ready to face the troops?”

I chuckled, grateful for her familiar presence in this sea of newness. “As ready as I’ll ever be. What’ve you got for me?”

Jules handed me the files. “Everything you need to know about our current projects, including your new client, Gavin Manning. I’ve highlighted the key points, but we can go over it in more detail later.”

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