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I chuckled, leaning back in my seat. “The truth? It’s overwhelming. Exciting. A bit terrifying, if I’m being honest. But also... invigorating. There’s an energy here that you can’t find anywhere else.”

Olivia nodded, a smile playing on her lips. “That’s what I love about this city. It pushes you, challenges you. But if you can make it here...”

“You can make it anywhere,” I finished, raising my glass in a mock toast. “Bit of a cliché, but I’m starting to see the truth in it.”

Our wine arrived, and as Olivia swirled her glass, inhaling the bouquet with practiced ease, my eyes were drawn to her. She was beautiful, no doubt about it. But there was something else there too - a sharp intelligence, a hunger for success that mirrored my own.

“So,” she said, setting down her glass, “shall we discuss the penthouse? Or would you prefer to talk about the office space first?”

I hesitated for a moment. “Why don’t we start with the office? After all, that’s what is the most pressing.”

If Olivia was disappointed by my choice, she didn’t show it. Instead, she launched into a detailed breakdown of the lease terms, potential build-out options, and the various amenities included in the package.

As we worked our way through our entrees - a perfectly cooked steak for me, some kind of fancy fish for her - the conversation flowed easily from business to more personal topics. We swapped stories about our worst clients and found common ground in our shared love of classic films.

It was... nice. Comfortable, even. But as the evening wore on, I realized that something was missing. Or maybe someone.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Olivia’s voice broke through my reverie.

I blinked, realizing I’d been staring off into space. “Sorry, just... processing everything, I guess. It’s been quite a day.”

She smiled, reaching across the table to lay her hand on mine. “I hope I haven’t overwhelmed you. I know I can be a bit... intense when it comes to business.”

I turned my hand over, giving hers a gentle squeeze. “Not at all. I appreciate your thoroughness. It’s refreshing, actually.”

Olivia’s smile widened, and I could see the invitation in her eyes. “Well, if you’re not too overwhelmed... perhaps we could continue this conversation somewhere more private? Say, back at the penthouse?”

And there it was. The moment of truth. I looked at Olivia - beautiful, successful, clearly interested. Everything I should want. But as I opened my mouth to respond, all I could think about was a pair of fierce green eyes and a challenge issued in a rain-soaked café.

“Olivia,” I said softly, “I’m flattered, truly. And under different circumstances... But I think it’s best if we keep this professional. At least for now.”

To her credit, Olivia took the rejection gracefully. She leaned back, a rueful smile on her face. “Can’t blame a girl for trying. But I understand. And I respect your decision.”

I nodded, grateful for her understanding. “Thank you. And I hope this doesn’t affect our business relationship. I really am interested in the office space, and potentially the penthouse, as well.”

“Of course not,” she said, waving a hand dismissively. “I’m a professional, Fury. I don’t mix business with pleasure... often.”

We shared a laugh at that, and just like that, the tension dissipated. We spent the rest of the evening ironing out details for the office lease, with Olivia promising to send over the paperwork for both the office and the penthouse in the morning.

We said our goodbyes outside the restaurant when Olivia fixed me with a knowing look. “She must be something special, whoever she is.”

I started to protest, but Olivia held up a hand. “Don’t bother denying it. I’ve been in this game long enough to know when a man’s heart is already spoken for, even if he doesn’t realize it yet.”

The valet brought her car around and, as I watched her disappear into the night, I realized one thing. I needed to figure out what the hell was going on with Sienna and me. Because if I was turning down someone like Olivia Hartley, there had to be a damn good reason.



I pushed through the revolving door of Bistro Moderne, the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread and sizzling garlic hitting me like a wave. Vanessa was right behind me, chattering excitedly about finally having a day off from the hospital.

“I swear, if I have to look at another chart or deal with one more entitled patient, I might—oof!”

I stumbled backward, colliding with Vanessa as I ran smack into what felt like a brick wall. A familiar, cologne-scented brick wall.

“Sienna?” Fury’s deep voice sent an unwelcome shiver down my spine. I looked up, meeting those warm brown eyes that had been haunting my dreams lately.

“Fury,” I managed, trying to keep my voice neutral. “Fancy bumping into you here.”

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