Page 63 of Played by Him

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Jalen shook his head. “Sorry. On this one, Clay and I see eye-to-eye. My house has a top-grade security system. You’ll be safe with me.”

Physically, yes, I’d be safe. I wasn’t so sure about how my heart would come out of this. Still, the thought of going home now that I was aware of the danger that could be waiting, my options were limited.

“All right,” I agreed. “We’ll go to your house for now, and I’ll figure out where to go from there.”

He didn’t look thrilled at the mention of me finding somewhere else to stay, but he didn’t try to talk me into anything else. I knew he’d probably bring it up at another time, but that was a worry for later.

Less than ninety minutes later, we were pulling up to his house. It had started snowing at some point in time this morning, thick, wet flakes that stuck to everything, including the roads. If it kept up like this, I’d have the chance to see just how good the snow tires on my car worked. I hadn’t driven much in snow despite the fact that I’d lived up north most of my life. Obviously, I’d been too young in Indiana, and since I’d lived my teenage years in New York City, I hadn’t even gotten my license until I graduated.

“Careful,” Jalen said as he opened my door and held out a hand. “The garage is heated most of the time, but the heating system for it went on the fritz a couple days ago, and I’m waiting for someone to come out and fix it.”

I wondered if he knew how much it said about his character that he was willing to wait for a repairman rather than offering to pay for preferential treatment.

I took his hand, a little thrill of electricity going through me as our skin made contact. My joints were stiff, and the places where bruises had bloomed ached as I let him help me from the car. The thing about having a serrated kitchen knife dragged through your flesh, other pain is mild by comparison. Still, it didn’t stop me from grimacing as Jalen led me into the house.

“Are you hungry?” he asked as we paused in the kitchen.

I shook my head. “I’d really like a shower and clean clothes. How long do you think I should stay here?”

“Until Clay says you’re safe.”

I scowled at him. “The two of you ganging up on me isn’t fair.”

One corner of Jalen’s mouth tipped up in a partial smile. “Yes, well, protecting you is one thing we can agree on.”

“So I’m just supposed to wait who knows how long to clean up?”

“No,” he said, moving me forward again. “You’re supposed to accept my offer of the use of my home. I have a guest bedroom and bathroom where you can clean up and rest.”

“And my clothes? I don’t think you have any of those lying around.”

He ignored my sarcasm and answered my question seriously. “My clothes will work just fine. They’ll be big, but it’s not like you’ll be going much of anywhere. Clay’s supposed to check in tomorrow. I’ll ask him then if it’s safe for me to take you back to your place so you can get a few things.”

“Fine,” I said, too tired to argue.

It wasn’t as much a physical tired as it was an emotional one. I planned on taking as long as possible in the shower so I could finally have a break from Jalen. I appreciated everything he’d done for me, but without any time alone, I hadn’t been able to really think about all the things he’d said to me.

When I stepped under the spray, I sighed with relief. The heat felt good against my sore muscles, and the sound chased away the chaotic thoughts I hadn’t been able to banish. I stood there for what seemed like hours before I even started washing up, just letting my mind go blank. By the time I reached for the shampoo, I was ready to do some serious soul-searching about everything Jalen had said. He deserved an honest answer about whether or not we could get past this.

He was sitting on the guest room bed when I emerged from the bathroom, a billow of steam accompanying me. I’d changed into the clothes he’d given me, and they were far from revealing, but the fact that I hadn’t had a clean bra or underwear with me meant that beneath the soft cotton t-shirt and cuffed sweatpants, I was naked. I crossed my arms over my chest, hoping he couldn’t tell that my nipples were hard. It was from the temperature difference. Nothing else. Certainly not because of the heat I saw on his face.

“I was starting to get worried,” he said as he stood. “I thought you might’ve passed out in there and I’d have to rush you back to the hospital.”

“Just thinking,” I said. “And enjoying being clean again.”

“Thinking about what?” His tone was casual, but I saw the tension in his body.

“About how I feel,” I admitted. “About you, about all the things you said, about whether or not I could trust you again.”

He turned away from me, hiding whatever expression he couldn’t keep off his face. “Make it a clean break,” he said quietly. “That’s all I ask.”

“It will take a while to build that trust again,” I said, closing the distance between us. I put my hand on his back, and he stiffened. “But what you said made me face something I’ve been struggling with. You’re not just another guy, J. You’re not replaceable.” I took a deep breath and made my own confession. “I love you too.”

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