Page 44 of Bound

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Between the bodega and the studio, something had happened to keep her from coming into work.

Which meant I had other calls I needed to make.

I started with the hospitals, each call stretching my nerves and patience until they were both at a breaking point. Two hospitals told me that they had no one there by her name, but the others had refused to say anything without confirmation that I was a relative or spouse. Fortunately, I had people in influential places who owed me favors, including a private investigator.

“Max, it’s Alix Wexler.”

“Mr. Wexler, it’s good to hear from you.” As always, Max’s voice was smooth, professional.

“Are you in New York right now?”

There was a slight pause that told me my question had come out a little more blunt than I’d intended.

“I am.”

“Sorry,” I apologized quickly. “I just have a case for you that needs top priority. If you’re busy, I’ll take a recommendation.”

Another pause. I’d only met Max once or twice over the years, but my parents had sworn by his PI skills more than once when company employees or businesses had needed investigating. He was the best.

“I’ll pay you double your usual rate,” I offered.

“No need,” he said. “I don’t base case priority on who has the most money to throw around.”

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. “I didn’t mean to insult you,” I said evenly. “My girlfriend is missing, and I need you to find her.”

“Her name?”

“Sine McNiven.”

“How long has she been missing?”

Even as I said it, I knew what he would say in response. “Since this morning.”

“Was she taken off the street? From her home?”

At least he wasn’t telling me I was overreacting. I gave him a quick rundown of everything I knew already.

“The two of you work together?”

His words were carefully chosen. He knew who I was because he knew my family, which meant he knew that I was a photographer.

“She’s my assistant.”

I knew better than to add that she was also modeling for me. He’d already think poorly of me for getting involved with an employee.

“When was the last time you spoke with her?”

I had to give him credit for keeping his judgment out of his voice. “Last night.”

“And she didn’t mention having anything else to do today?”

“No.” I curbed my impatience, reminding myself that he could get information from hospitals that I couldn’t. “And before you ask, we didn’t have a fight. Things are going well between us.”

“Have you contacted any family or friends to see if she talked to them?”

I pushed my hand through my hair. “Look, we’ve only been together for a little while. She’s from Ireland, so I haven’t even met her family.” I didn’t add that we hadn’t even technically discussed whether or not we were referring to each other in boyfriend-girlfriend terms.

“That’s why you called me.”

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