Page 34 of Bound

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When I’d gone backto the studio, Giselle and Alix had been nowhere to be seen, so I’d just gone to my office and done the work I’d been hired to do. The whole time, my brain had been going round and round with all sorts of ideas about what my next move should be. Alix hadn’t done anything wrong, so I had no right to be angry at him. Things had been perfectly clear regarding our roles.

That didn’t stop me from being hurt though. Hurt that I’d been replaced. That the things I thought we both felt hadn’t existed. Or, rather, that they’d been one-sided.

All of that was my fault though. I wasthe one who’d thought Alix and I had been moving toward something real. And I hadn’t even admitted that to myself until I’d seen Giselle.

By the time I’d gotten home, I’d known I couldn’t subject Alix to whatever awkwardness I’d bring to work because of my own errors in judgment. He already had his new model. He didn’t need my pictures, and he didn’t need me.

I wouldn’t have the money for a visit home now, but maybe a longer venture back was in my future. My lease would be up soon, and if I didn’t find a roommate or a better paying job, I’d need to worry about where to live. And if I couldn’t find a job, I’d be shipped back to Balbriggan.

But that was a problem for tomorrow.

Today, I intended to enjoy my stew and biscuits. Take a hot bath. Do some reading.

And not think about Alix Wexler one single bit.

My resolve lasted until the moment someone knocked on my door, and I heard his voice.

“Sine, we need to talk.”


I couldn’t bring myself to be rude when he’d done nothing wrong, so I opened the door and gestured for him to come inside. I didn’t look at him though. I wasn’t ready for that just yet. I needed a moment to compose myself. I hadn’t planned on seeing him today.

I was just glad I hadn’t done my bath yet because I would have felt a lot more vulnerable than I already did. I was still wearing the skirt and blouse I’d worn to work this morning, my only concession to comfort was my lack of shoes.

“Why’d you quit?”

No small talk. Straight to the point.

At least this would be short.

I took a deep breath and tried to keep it all as simple as possible. “I told Ms. Holloman that I was willing to work until she found someone new, so I’ll have everything organized and in place for whoever comes next.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.” He took a step toward me. “And you’re not just my assistant.”

“You made the right call.” I tried a different approach. “Rehiring Giselle now that she’s finished with her prior engagement. I’m sure she’ll be perfect for the series.”

“Giselle?” He frowned, the look on his face so completely baffled that I wondered if perhaps I’d gotten things wrong.

“She and I spoke earlier today,” I continued. “She explained things, and I don’t wish for you to feel awkward about changing your mind. I thought leaving–”


I shivered at the way he said my name. No one should be allowed to make two syllables sound like that.

“Start at the beginning.”

Why couldn’t he just let it go?

I sighed and did as he asked. “When I arrived at the studio this morning, Giselle was there. She told me that her previous job was done and that you’d asked her to come back to finish the series.” I kept my voice level and flat. It was a recitation of facts, nothing more.

“Sine, I didn’t–”

“It’s all right,” I cut him off. “And I’m sorry for not telling you directly. You were just...otherwise occupied when I left for lunch, and then neither of you were there when I came back–”

It was his turn to interrupt. “I wasn’t there at all.”

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