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Nothing was going accordingto the plan I'd come up with while debating the best way to approach Briana. I should have expected this kind of outcome, considering the fact that nothing had ever been simple where Briana was concerned. I shouldn’t have let myself be intrigued by her. I shouldn’t have slept with her.

And I definitely shouldn’t have fallen for her.

I also probably shouldn’t have kissed her right when she walked through the door, either. But what could I do when she showed up looking like she did? Those gorgeous waves pulled up in a messy up-do. Eyes lined in black, just enough to make them impossible to miss. Her sundress was simple but suited her perfectly.

I was powerless the moment she walked through the door.

I didn’t know where I wanted things to go with Briana. What I did know was that I wanted her. Only she could satisfy this gnawing hunger I'd felt from the moment she walked away from me at the airport. And now that I had her in my sights again, I was damn well going to take the shot.

I ravaged her mouth, all my pent-up energy begging to be released. Her mouth tasted like heaven, and her body felt like sin. Appropriate considering where we were. Having her curl up against me the second our lips met had been a delightful surprise. I'd almost expected her to push me away. We hadn't talked or texted since I left, and I knew the way we'd left things had implied a desire to leave all our interactions in the past. I knew we'd be having a chat before the night was through, but I couldn't wait to feel her again until then.

My hands raked up her sides and cupped her tits through her dress. She moaned and pressed into my hands. Fuck, she was gorgeous.

And for right now, she was mine.

I hiked up the skirt of her dress to her hips and lifted her against the wall. Her legs wrapped around me, and I pressed her against the wall to keep her in place. Damn, I loved being able to hold her like this, feel her wrapped around me. She ground herself against my swollen cock, sending a bolt of pure fire through me. It was like no time at all had passed, and we were picking up right where we left off. If anything, my desire for her had only grown in her absence.

I trailed kisses from her mouth to her collarbone, settling in to lick and suck at the base of her throat. She responded with a delicious moan that sent shivers of pleasure through me. I bit gently but firmly and drew another moan from her throat. I'd forgotten how turned on her little gasps and whimpers made me, and I tried to commit them to memory now, just in case. Because I knew that no other noises would ever make me feel quite like this. Her pleasure was my pleasure.

I gave a pleased growl when I saw the mark I left, then took her mouth again before she could scold me for it. I buried my hands in her hair, completely destroying the style and not feeling bad about it at all. I rocked against her, tearing my lips away from hers to curse. She flung her head back so quickly that it smacked against the wall.

“Shit,” she muttered, chuckling.

I laughed and straightened, holding her tight ass in my hands to keep her steady. “You okay?”

“I'm fine. No more talking.” Her mouth descended on mine again.

I was only too happy to oblige. We could talk later.

Much, much later.

I walked with her to the bedroom, hoping I didn't stumble over anything on the way. I wasn't familiar with the layout of the room yet, and navigating it with a woman wrapped around me was no easy task. When I made it to the room, I celebrated by flinging her onto the bed and taking a moment to look at the woman I'd missed too fucking much.

She stared back at me, chest rising sharply with each inhale. Her eyes were dark, cheeks flushed, and lips parted. Her clothes were rumpled, giving me a glimpse of a pair of pastel panties that matched the sea-foam green of her dress.

I wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked. How perfect she looked. But she said no more talking, and I didn't think it would be wise anyway, laying things out like that. So I stripped off my shirt and covered her body with mine again.

Now that I didn't have to hold her up, I was free to slip a hand between us to feel the heat of her pussy through the damp cotton of her panties. She arched her hips toward me, and I couldn't resist slipping a finger into her wetness, drawing out another delightful gasp. She moaned against my mouth as I drove my fingers into her. From the way she was shaking, I knew I could get her off with just my hand. That realization made my cock hard enough to hurt.

I didn't want to wait to get her naked. I needed to be inside her. Just as I grabbed a condom from my back pocket, she surprised me by pushing my shoulders in an attempt to get me on my back. I was more than happy to roll over, struck by the vision of her riding me. She yanked open my pants, tugging them and my boxers down low enough to get my cock free. My own hands were busy under her dress, moving over all the soft skin I couldn't see. As she rolled the latex over my erection, I found her breasts.

She raised up on her knees, letting her dress trail over me as she moved until she was straddling my waist. My eyes rolled back in my head as she began to lower herself onto me. Inch by painfully slow inch, she took me into her body.

“So good,” she breathed the words out as her head fell back, hair tumbling over her shoulders in the single most erotic thing I'd anyway.

I gritted my teeth, hands fisting in the bedspread. Everything about her was unhurried as she alternated short, back-and-forth rolls of her hips with fluid up-and-down movements. Her eyes were squeezed tight in concentration, mouth slightly open, palms flattening on my stomach before digging her nails into my muscles.

She felt so good, so hot and wet and perfect. And though I normally preferred to take the lead in bed, I couldn't deny the appeal of watching her bring herself pleasure with my body, how she was consumed by the moment. When her eyes opened, I knew she wasn't just putting on a show for me like other women had. Aside from my missing shirt, we were both still clothed, and there was something so sensual about our bodies being locked together so intimately even though we couldn't see it.

When she started to bounce, I gripped her hips, unable to keep still any longer. Together, we set a fervent pace. I started thrusting up against her, our bodies connecting with such power that I wondered if we'd be bruised. I didn't care, and if her moans were any indication, neither did she. They grew in volume, echoing through the bedroom. I could tell she was getting close, and I had the best seat in the house to watch it happen.

Her hands covered mine and squeezed. She was both stabilizing herself and communicating that I should go harder. Faster. Do whatever it took to bring her to an earth-shattering climax. I was pretty close to my own, and seeing her give the power back over to me like that was all I needed.

I sat up, wrapping an arm around her as I pulled her down hard enough to make her cry out. I set the pace now, my muscles burning as I brought out bodies together over and over. My eyes locked with hers, and even though neither of us spoke, I could feel something between us connecting.

I bent her body backward, one hand sliding from her back, around her hip, to find her clit. I rubbed at it, increasing the pressure until, with a keening wail, she clenched around me. Still, I continued pounding into her, my balls tense, the pressure inside me ready to explode. Her head fell forward onto my shoulder as a second orgasm followed immediately on the heels of the first. I felt it all, her body squeezing mine where we joined, the shudders of pleasure going through her.

My orgasm hit me all at once, and I came so hard that I saw fucking stars. I could barely breathe, barely think. Everything was about her and us, and nothing else in the world mattered while we were together like this.

I released her, and she rolled to the side, both of us panting as we waited for our pulses to slow.

She moved first, barely looking at me. “I have to go.”

I thought we were going to talk things out, but I didn't want to push her right now. Even if I had been able to get up and follow her.

That was okay though, because I was staying in Las Vegas until I got her out of my system. I didn't care how long it took.

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