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From the momentI'd met them, I thought that if either of the brothers was going to try to kiss me, it would be Enzo. I'd seen the way he looked at me, and I knew what it meant. And sure, Dorian and I shared a great chemistry, but I didn't think he would act on it. And then he did.

He acted on it and then some.

My lips were still tingling, and that should have been a good thing.

Except after giving me the best kiss of my life...he walked off without a word. I couldn't tell whether I was supposed to follow him, or if I was supposed to forget the whole thing ever happened.

Maybe he'd been sleepwalking. Maybe he wouldn't remember a thing in the morning.

I hoped he did. Even if I was confused as hell, I wanted more.

I didn't chase after him though. I wasn't sure I'd be able to walk right away, truth be told, having recently had my kneecaps replaced by pure gelatin. But I got my shit together eventually and made my way back up to the hotel. My mind was whirring at a million miles a minute, but I kept my eyes peeled for Dorian. If he wanted me to follow him, he should be waiting for me, right?

Except I didn't know what he wanted.

Was this just a part of me being Dorian's date? It hadn't even occurred to me during the act that it might have just been that. Expected. It had felt so real, so honest. Maybe it was just because my own feelings in the matter were so real and honest. I liked Dorian, more than I knew I should. And I liked the way he kissed me. So, the idea that the only reason he did so was because I was around or that he considered me to be bought and paid for hurt like hell.

I tried not to dwell on it as I walked. I didn't know one way or the other what his deal was, so if he wasn't waiting for me, the best thing I could do would be to go to bed and start fresh tomorrow. I could take my cue from him.

Someone was waiting for me outside my room, but it wasn't Dorian.

Enzo had a decidedly mischievous glint in his eye and was carrying a bottle of Cristal with two glasses. I didn't like the way it looked, but I decided to play the naive card.

“What are you doing up so late?” I spoke in a hushed voice, hoping it'd remind him that the floor we were on also housed most of his family.

He grinned at me. “Thought you might want to have a drink with me.”

I made a show of yawning, covering my mouth with my hand. “It's way past my bedtime.” I smiled at him to keep him from taking it personally. “I'm sorry.”

He chuckled. “Well, if you'd like, we can just go straight to bed.”

There was a note of teasing to his voice, but I didn't think for a moment that his proposition wasn't serious. Which meant it was time for me to decide how far I was willing to go for my job. While I didn't think that either of the brothers would complain to Earl, and I believed they would honor their promise to come back to Rock Bay, I knew that once I drew this line, I would know what I wouldn't do...and so would they.

And I couldn't sleep with Enzo.

“I think I'll just go to bed alone, but, uh, I'm flattered.”

He shrugged, making the movement look graceful. “Your loss.” The words were said simply, without any malice, for which I was grateful. And I supposed he really did see it that way.

I turned to unlock my door, glanced over when movement at the other end of the hall caught my eye. But it wasn't Dorian. Charisma and Kendall, two of the cousins I met earlier, stood only a few feet away. They'd seemed friendly enough, if a little snobby. They gave me a brief wave before they linked arms and went on their way to wherever it was they were going.

I let myself into my room and collapsed onto the fluffy white duvet.

Dorian had kissed me.

Dorian kissed me.

I could still almost taste him on my tongue, feel the ghostly press of his lips against mine.

The memory kept me awake longer than being in the new bed did.

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