Page 73 of Arranged Vacancy

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Chapter 44


Aferal rumble comes from Alex’s chest as I speak his vows back to him. Before I can properly tease him about sounding like a damn animal, he has my legs wrapped around his waist, roughly pressing my back against the shower wall.

We haven’t touched each other since…Hawaii?Has it been that long? Why does it feel like it was just yesterday that we spent our days on the beach and nights with him buried inside me?

With the whirlwind of returning from paradise, the gala, Chris’ death, and my political campaign, it’s no wonder he hasn’t touched me. I’ve missed it, missedhim. This beautiful, selfless man did delicious things to my body that set my soul on fire. More than that, he always believed in me. To say I love him is the understatement of the century.

His fingers dimple my ass as he pulls me closer, his cock testing my entrance. “Say it again, Jaclyn.” It comes out as a growl, and I’m selfishly pleased that Hawaii wasn’t just a fluke. None of this was.

“Which part?”

He tilts his head to the left, our noses brushing, stopping short of kissing me. “Say it.” His voice is almost pained; my fun, playful Alex is nowhere to be found.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” As he sucks in a choked breath, I instinctively wrap my arms tighter around him and kiss my favorite spot on his neck. “Alex,” I say softly, nipping at his earlobe as I pull back. I need him to look me in the eyes when I tell him my truths. “I love you. I marriedyou. You’re my husband. I chose a man who may have loved me in his own way, but he wasn’t…” I take a deep breath, unable to help smiling. “He wasn’t you. It was all a mistake. I. Love. You. And if I weren’t a coward, I would’ve loved you the way you deserve years ago. I lo?—”

Our lips collide in a swirl of lust and desperation. “You’re perfect,” he murmurs against my lips. Yes, I want him inside me, but I need him to really hear me. I’m not the perfect one, he is. Alex is handing over everything he’s worked years to build, I don’t take that lightly.

In the end, he’s mine, and I’m his.

“Wait, wait, wait! One more thing… Rapid fire.” His hearty chuckle fills the bathroom, and I think it’s the first time I’ve heard him this light since…

I shake away the thought.

“Okay, princess, what’cha got for me?”

“Birth control.”

His eyes are molten, just like I hoped they would be, and a cocky grin tilts his lip. As his cock glides against my clit, I stifle a moan when he answers, “Should be left up to the couple using it.”

“Is that an answer on behalf of a senator or my husband?” I pant, unable to contain my desperation for this beautiful man.

“I’m going to claim every inch of you as mine, and if that results in a child… Well, it’s a good thing I’m no longer seeking reelection.”

My fun, mischievous Alex is back, and my heart does a damn summersault. Sadly, my glee comes to a screeching stop as my impostor syndrome seeps in. “What if I lose?”

“You won’t.”

“What if you’re wrong?” I groan at the friction of his thick cock grinding against my clit, wishing he was already inside me. “I’m unprepared.”

“You know I’mneverunprepared. So, you won’t be either.” He finally slides me onto him until our hips connect. I don’t care if this is stress, mourning, or Alex’s breeding kink that he absolutely hinted at in Hawaii. I need him more than I need to fucking breathe. There’s no other man I’d rather have a child with than him.

As he thrusts in and out of me, my gasps become louder and unavoidable. I reach for the shower lever to shut off the now-lukewarm water, and Alex carries me over to the bed, both of us still drenched.

“I haven’t had you since…”

“Hawaii,” I finish. “I know.”

“It feels like it’s been a hundred years.”

“So dramatic.” I playfully roll my eyes as his sear into me.

“Fuck, I love you,” he laughs, his beaming smile I missed so dearly lighting up his face.

Alex tosses me onto to the bed, and with his hands braced on either side of me, I reach between us to guide him back inside me, but he swats my hand away. “No, my beautiful wife. What did I tell you about that?” I bite my lip and scoot up the bed until my head hits the pillows. Spreading my legs wide to taunt him, he growls, “Fuck.” It’s drawn out and heady. Heat pools between my legs at the single word.

“You said you want to claim every inch of me. I can think of a few places you can start.”

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