Page 7 of Arranged Vacancy

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“Lisa, my wife isn’t feeling well. In order for us to continue with the reception, we’ll need to reschedule our wedding photos for a later date.” His tone has a bite to it that I didn’t expect, only adding to my confusion.

“Mr. Blake, I can’t just?—”

“Yes, you can,” he barks. “I want to make sure Alex is here for photos, as well. We may not get along, but he’s family. You will reschedule the photographer, a makeup artist, and her hair stylist for another date when Jaclynhas recovered. One of my aides or Jaclyn’s assistant will reach out with dates that suit.”

Lisa looks to me, eyes full of hope that I’ll disagree with him. I have no intention of saving her. “Thank you for being so amenable, Lisa.” Her face falls, but she should know better than to argue with a Blake. “We’ll start the reception shortly. I want to speak to my husband first.”

“Of course, let me find you an acceptable space.” She leads us down the hall to the same room that we were in earlier when Father broke the news to me. “Will this do?”

Seven is not a lucky number…

“Yes, thank you,” Alex growls. While I knew him when we were younger, I don’t know him now. Yet, the way he’s treating Lisa feels out of character for him. She scurries away, and once the door closes, he takes out his phone and pulls up an application that checks your surroundings for microphones and cameras. None are found, so he speaks freely. “Was that all right?”

“No,” I huff. “You bit her head off for helping us. It was too much. She’ll figure out you aren’t Chris!”

Alex rakes his hand through his hair, messing up his part and making him look more like himself again. “I’m sorry. I may have gone overboard.”

“May? You were awful to her.” I cross my arms over my chest. “What’s going on with Chris? Where is he?”

His eyes widen at his brother’s name and he lets out a long sigh. “I can’t tell you. It isn’t my place. He’ll tell youhimself when he’s… I’m sorry, all I can say is Chris is doing better than expected, given the circumstances.”

The door bursts open, and his father storms in. He doesn’t stop until he’s fisting Alex’s tuxedo lapels, growling, “Where. Is. Chris?”

Chapter 5


“This isn’t his fault,” Jaclyn defends, standing between me and my father. “Chris was in an accident. Alex was only stepping in for him.”

His shoulders relax, and the creases between his brows soften. “Where is my son, Jaclyn?”

Jaclyn looks back at me for the answer I can’t divulge in front of her. My gaze bounces between them. “She’s correct; he was in an accident. I got a call and hired someone to…take care of it,” I carefully reply. Hopefully, he’s picking up in my tone that the Gallaghers were the ones who called me. Dad shakes his head in disappointment, and I continue to placate him. “They’re moving him off the grid for medical treatment, but I was told he’s in good condition. I warned Jerry—” He gives me his ‘disappointed in you’ expression that he’s mastered over the years. “Sorry, I meantFormer President Taylor,about the accident before the wedding so they could decidenext steps. The hired fixer recommended the wedding should be canceled.”

“Fixer?” Jaclyn whispers.

“Well, therewasa wedding,” my father snaps. “She marriedyou. Do you know how this will look if it gets out?”

“If I may,” Jaclyn interrupts with a firm but gentle tone, “Alex was only trying to protect both of our families. Chris and I signed the wedding certificate last week, it only needs the pastor and witness signatures. I’ll legally be married to Christopher, not Alex. This is only temporary.”

“No one knows what happened to him, except her parents,” I add to calm his rage.

“What about…?” His eyes fall on Jaclyn.

I hate answering as if she’s not standing right here, but I’m left with no choice. “She’s not privy toallof the details at the moment.”

Hurt paints her features, and I instinctively want to reach for her. I ball my hands into fists at my sides to keep them to myself. My father blows out a long breath. “So, what now? When can I see him?”

“I canceled the rest of the wedding photos, so Jaclyn can reschedule them with Chris when he’s up to it. We only need to get through the reception. You, Mom, and Jaclyn can see him later tonight, if you’d like.”

“Should I cancel the honeymoon?” Jaclyn asks, chewing on her lip. “Or at least postpone it?”

My father shakes his head. “Not yet. It’ll be suspicious. Let’s wait and get through the next few hours.” His eyes narrow on me as he insists, “And keep your hands off your brother’s wife.”

“A little hard when I’m supposed to pretend I’m married to her,” I chuckle, cocking an eyebrow. Though he finds no humor in this, he knows I’m right. “But, yes, in a few hours, it’ll all be over.”

There’s a pounding at the door, making Jaclyn jump. I answer it, finding secret service side-eyeing Lisa on the other side while one of their hands is aloft to knock again.

“The wedding, uh, person is here to see you,” he announces. Something about him feels off; I can’t quite put my finger on it.

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