Page 68 of Arranged Vacancy

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“We should get you to bed before you fall asleep on your feet, Mrs. Auctioneer.” Grabbing my boxers, I head toward the bathroom, kissing her cheek as I pass her.

After taking a shower, I climb into bed, finding her asleep. Her damp hair is braided, and she’s naked for the first time since the accident. Looking back and forth between the CPAP and my wife, there’s no way I could curl up behind her with that thing strapped to my face. At first, I wrap my arms around her, loving the feel of her naked back pressed against my chest, but as I begin to drift off to sleep, guilt seeps in. The last thing I want is to wake her with my snoring; she needs her sleep after the busy night we’ve had.

Jaclyn’s right. I should take my health more seriously.

I kiss her shoulder and whisper against her soft skin, “I love you, Jackie.”

Her sleepy, mildly robotic sigh of “I love you, too” is all the reassurance I need.We’re going to be okay.I turn over and fit the mask over my nose and mouth, then turn on the machine. As I breathe deeply for several minutes, my mind begins to conjure ‘what ifs.’

What if she’s forgiven me, and we get to live in marital bliss, putting this all behind us?

What if when we get home, she suggests we try for a baby?

The thought of practicing has my cock tenting in my boxers as I drift off to sleep.

“Yes, baby, right there. I’m so close.”

“Fuck, I missed this tight pussy, Jackie,” I grit out between thrusts.

Meeting my rhythm, her hips piston against me, taking me deeper. Her nails digging into my triceps, I’m trying my best to keep from coming. Our breathing picks up, and she’s right fucking there. I’m desperate to have her sweet cunt pulsing around my cock as she comes with me, but I can’t seem to catch my breath.

With thrust after thrust, the air has completely left my lungs. I try to clutch at my chest as the vision of Jaclyn slowly fades away—first her hair, then her dark blue eyes, then the remaining features of her face… until I’m left with nothing but dark gray clouds surrounding me.

This delicious dream has turned into a fucking nightmare, and I need to wake up. I reach to pinch myself, but my limbs are heavy, and I’m no longer able to feel anything. I’m left only with an ache in my chest as I plummet into the darkness.

Chapter 41


Another morning waking up alone without Jaclyn. I hoped that after I slipped her my hotel key card last night, I’d wake to her soft body tucked into my side. Fuck, I miss the feel of her in my arms, the sweet citrus scent that lingers on her skin, how fucking delicious she tastes... Mostly, I miss how my heart jumps out of my damn chest the moment she walks into a room. I blow out a long breath, unsure how much more of this torture I can take. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I glance over at the alarm clock, worry coursing through me as I notice it’s blinking 12:00.

Shit, what time is it? And where’s Jaclyn?

A small shred of light slips through the curtains, but the room is otherwise dark. I slide out of bed and open them one at a time. They must be black-out, doing their job, because based on where the sun is in the sky blinding me, it’s around eight or nine. I squint at the brightness,closing the curtains and turning on the lamp on the bedside table.

Checking my phone, there’s a missed call and text from Jaclyn. I can’t help my smile as I swipe to open the text.


I need your help.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

It could be anything—the Gallaghers, Chris, the media…

My mind is reeling at the possibilities. The time stamp is from twenty minutes ago. I quickly text back to inquire about which room she’s staying in. As soon as the room number appears on my screen, I’m scrambling to get dressed in dark gray slacks and a white button-down.

Dressed and ready to save my wife from whatever danger may present itself, I pause at the door.

I don’t own a gun.

I don’t even own a fucking knife.

What if she’s in trouble and I can’t help?

If Chris hurt her, my fist will do in a pinch. How am I supposed to protect someone I love against a bullet?

With my hand poised on the nob, I take a page out of Jaclyn’s book—she always pays attention to the little details. I’ll have an easier time getting to her, and potentially saving her from a shitty situation if I look like my brother. Rushing to the bathroom, I wet my travel comband glide it through my locks until the reflection in the mirror is Chris, not me.Close enough. After a quick once over with my razor, I hurry to her room.

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