Page 52 of Arranged Vacancy

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I slow my pace and kiss up her body, admiring the rise and fall of her chest as she catches her breath. I pinch the small cotton thread coming from her pussy between my fingers, and as I’m about to tug, my phone vibrates on thebedside table.

Whoever it is can fucking wait…

“It could be important,” she whispers, still breathless.

As much as I hate to admit it, she’s right. Between impersonating my brother to travel here and the fake wedding, the last thing either of us needs is to have a slip-up. I pull back to answer it, and when I check the caller ID, the number is unknown. After another ring, I pick up. “Hello.”

“Good morning, Mr. Blake. Good to see you’re doing well after your accident.” He has a slight Irish accent, but other than the small detail, I can’t place the man on the other end.

“Who is this?”

“Mickey Gallagher.” My stomach drops. “Your father and I have discussed an arrangement. One you’ve already—how do I put this—royally fucked all the way up by traveling to Hawaii.”

“I don’t know about anyarrangement. You have the wrong?—”

“Mis-ter Blake,” he enunciates. “Stop tongue fucking Ms. Taylor and come back to Washington. You have two days.”

How do they know what I’m doing with her?

The line cuts out, and I glance down at the fucking perfect woman in front of me, sprawled out with her hairmussed. I don’t fucking care if they’re watching. As I’m about to resume where we left off, the phone rings again from another unknown number.

“Yes?” I answer it with a growl.

“Two days, Mr. Blake.”

Chapter 32


“It’s done,” Mickey insists, the small tilt of his lips almost resembling a smile. It fades as he glances at his CCTV feed and his jaw tics. “One moment.”

He dials a number on his landline, growls, “Two days, Mr. Blake,” then hangs up.

Fuck. Is Chris actually touching her?

“What happened?”

Despite my matching his gruff tone, he finds humor in my inquiry and chuckles darkly, “Don’t worry. Your little princess is safe. She may have enjoyed herself a bit more than expected, but—” I’m halfway out of my seat when he gestures with his hand for me to sit. “Ah, ah, ah.That’s not how this works. We need Ms. Taylor. Whether she has orgasms or not doesn’t concern me. Now… How attached are you to your brother? He seems to be getting in the way of my plans recently.”

“Please don’t kill him,” I sigh, pleading. “I told Finn not to. Chris may be an asshole, but we’re family. Just… please?”

“Understood,” he concedes. “Finn is chasing after a woman he’ll never have. He’s my brother. Even if it risks everything we’ve built, I’d never kill him over it. So, how do we make each other whole here? Your father—and hers—want Chris to run for President, with Jaclyn by his side. Finn and I, well, werespectfullydisagree.”

“I see. And how the hell do you expect me to convince everyone that Jaclyn should run instead? Chris isn’t going to just roll out the red carpet for her. You have to see how ludicrous that is?”

As he’s about to reply, Finn strides in with confidence I couldn’t muster if I tried. “Sorry, I’m late. Traffic.”

“Traffic?” Mickey balks. “There isn’t another car for miles.”


I stifle a laugh, but Mickey offers a cold glare. “Leave the poor woman alone. She’s married, for fuck’s sake.”

“She won’t be for long.” Finn rolls his eyes, then addresses me, “Ned has taken care of everything for the accident and your little switch-up. Unfortunately, when your brother went rogue and fucked everything up by traveling to Hawaii…” He lets out a deep sigh, rubbing the back of his neck before continuing, “Christopher is a loose cannon and could ruineverything. As I’m sure mybrother reiterated, get Taylor to the White House, or both of your families will havefunsecrets that make their way into the media.”

“And,again, how do you expect me to do that?”

A sly smirk tugs at Finn’s lips. “Just make sure that your pretty little wife’s hands are clean after the gala.”

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