Page 40 of Arranged Vacancy

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Making my way to the door, quickened footsteps follow, and I turn to Jaclyn barreling into me, wrapping her arms around my middle. I hold her close, not giving a shit what Chris might think, and kiss the top of her head as I whisper, “Make him watch the whole series. It’s the wet tunic, or nothing.”

She sobs a laugh into my chest. “Damn it, Alex. I’m falling in lo?—”

“No, princess, don’t you dare fucking say it.” With Chris approaching, I release her. “I’ll always be here for you. Enjoy your honeymoon.”

I can’t get out of the villa fast enough, and,fuck, leaving her with him doesn’t just hurt; I can’t seem to unclench my fist long enough to open the car door. With my jaw tight, I take a deep breath through my nose, unlocking the door on my exhale.

As I take a final glance at the front entry, a stupid part of me begs for her to chase after me. I finally fling open the car door and slide in. It takes several minutes before I’m calm enough to start it.

Checking the rearview mirror, sure enough, there’s a damn wheelchair. There is no way in hell I’m going to use it. Chris was in an accident, and he’s not experiencing any mobility issues; there’s no reason why my fake accident wouldn’t have me walking around.

If it ever got out that I pretended I needed a wheelchair, I'd never live it down. Ben, one of the guys in my virtual running group, has a prosthetic leg. I’m sure he would fly his billionaire British ass all the way here just to lecture me… and maybe also a well-deserved punch to the face.

I roll the windows down and drive to the airport, wanting the sweet Hawaiian air in my lungs as long as possible. When I’m almost there, I roll them up to call Ned wanting to see what he knows about all of this, but there’s an incoming call from Ileah. Curiosity gets the best of me, and I answer, “Hello?”

“Alex! You’re okay! We heard about your accident. Tim and I were so worried when you missed the wedding.”

“Oh, right, yes. The accident.”Fuck, I hate lying to my friends.“I’m all right. Thank you.”

“Sorry we haven’t called sooner. We figured you were still recovering. That’s not why I’m calling, though.”

“Is everything okay with Tim?”

She chuckles nervously. “Yes, he’s great. But I’m wondering if you could tell me what you know about Mickey Gallagher. I know he endorsed you… and you didn’t accept his campaign contribution. He offered to donate to Tim’s campaign. Between you and me, the Gallaghers seem sort of…shady.” It comes out almost as a question.

I bark a laugh, but my friends wouldn’t be getting involved with the Gallaghers unless… “Ileah, are you in trouble?”

“Oh my gosh, no! I just thought it was strange that he approached me and not Tim, that’s all. Forget I said anything… So, are you back in Houston? Or still in D.C.?”

Taking the exit for the airport, I don’t have time to probe further about Mickey. “Sorry to do this, but I’m almost at my destination. Can I call you or Tim later?”

“Of course. So glad you’re doing okay. I’ll tell Tim you said hello.”

“Okay.” I huff a small laugh. “Talk to you soon.”

We hang up, and I call Ned, who picks up on the first ring, “Hello, Mr. Blake. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“You failed to mention Chris was on his way to Hawaii,Ned,” I growl.

“It seems your brother doesn’t listen to Daddy Blake.” He lets out a long sigh. “Meet with Mickey and Finn. They’ll decide what to do about the face-fucker.” Ned pauses again. “I don’t think the accident is all you have to worry about.”

I pull into the lot for the rental cars, one of the attendants waving me down. “I’ll see them tomorrow.”

This charade ends right fucking now.

Chapter 25


Chris is here in Hawaii.

Mother Dearest

No, he’s here, staying at Alex’s apartment.

No, he’s in Hawaii! Alex just left. What is going on?

Father of the Year

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