Page 36 of Arranged Vacancy

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After breakfast and lunch in bed, and watching several hours of her favorite Regency romance, we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

I wake to my phone vibrating on the bedside table and the bright orange glow of the summer sunset filling the room. Jaclyn snuggles closer as I kiss her forehead, whispering, “One second, I need to check my phone.” Pulling my arm out from under her, I reach for it and find two missed calls from Ned.


I rush out of bed and slip on a pair of gym shorts, then leave the room to call him back. Once I’m on the patio, I take a seat on one of the lounge chairs facing the ocean, and I can’t help but smile thinking about the first night with her. The way we both gave in, and she burrowed her way into my heart. My trip down memory lane is quickly derailed when I pull up his contact and press call.

“Took you long enough,” he grumbles as he picks up.

“Any news?”

He huffs a laugh. “Your brother is out. He’s staying at your place, and the media coverage is in your favor. I don’t think it’ll be for long—the Gallaghers don’t trust Chris. The accident has been taken care of, but I’m more worried about how your brother will react seeing the photos that were leaked of you with Ms. Taylor in paradise.”

“It’s Mrs. Blake, and I’m supposed topretendto like her,” I defend. Glancing back at the villa to ensure Jaclyn isn’t eavesdropping, I lie, “It’s all for the cameras, or all of this will blow up in our faces.”

“You were never supposed to marry her, but everything seems to be going according to the new plan. Between the clean-up and the story aboutyouraccident, you’ll still have work to do when you’re back. Also, the Gallaghers want to meet with you.”

Mickey owns one of the biggest casinos on the East Coast; his brother, Finn, is the CEO of Gallagher Whiskey. Both are fronts for their less-than-savory business practices behind closed doors. The last thing I need is to be even more in debt to them, but I knew the risk when I ran for office. If I could, I’d wash my hands of all of it. “Of course. As soon as I’m back in D.C..”

“See you then, Mr. Blake.”

He hangs up, and I stuff my phone into my pocket. As I wring my hands, I stare at the crashing waves for a moment, the solitude abruptly ending with the sliding glass door opening. Wrapped in a light blue silk robe,Jaclyn sits next to me, taking one of my hands and interlacing our fingers. While I adore ‘fun Jaclyn,’ ‘sweet, affectionate Jaclyn’ takes my breath away. Coupled with how she instantly calms me with her presence… The trouble I’m in with the Gallaghers doesn’t hold a candle to how much trouble I’m in falling for this angel of a woman.

“Everything ok?” she quietly asks, squeezing tighter and resting her head on my shoulder.

“It is now.” I kiss the top of her head, breathing in her citrusy shampoo.

As she sighs into me, it's as if we've been each other’s person for years, not days. “Do we have to go home? Can’t we just stay here?”

“How are you going to change the world if you’re here with me?” As much as I love the idea of staying, I have to protect her from the fallout, the consequences of my brother’s actions, and possibly the Gallaghers.

“I’m sure we’d find a way.”

“I’m sureyouwould.” I offer her an earnest smile. “What do you say: In ten years, I steal you away, and we renewourvows right here on this beach?”

“You don’t think it’d be suspicious, escaping D.C., just the two of us?”

I lay back on the lounge chair, and she sits between my legs, with the back of her head resting on my chest. Wrapping my arms around her, I breathe her in. “I’msure you’d have a clever solution, being President and all.”

“You’re ridiculous. Why wouldn’t you be the one in the Oval?”

“You know I don’t want it. But you? You were born for it. So, what are we thinking? Lavender flowers again?” I quip.

“Absolutely not!” She shudders. “I hated the wedding.”

“Hated it?”

“Well, I didn’thateit.” Turning her head to look up at me, she adds, “I got to pretend to marry you.”

“I wasn’t pretending” I admit.

Jaclyn adjusts to get comfortable. “I don’t think I was either.”

“Then, why did you hate it?”

“I would’ve preferred blue but was warned that it would end up a political statement. Actually,yourmother insisted on lavender as an alternative.”

“Are you serious?” I laugh, pulling her tighter.

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