Page 18 of Arranged Vacancy

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She laughs and rests her chin on my chest, looking up at me. “I had a crush on you in college.”

“A crush? What are we, thirteen?” I tease.

“You know what I mean! I liked you.”

“We were just friends,” I deadpan, rolling my eyes, but my heart squeezes at the thought. As old emotions come bubbling to the surface, I tamp them down just as quickly. “Nice try, princess.”

“I’m serious. When word got around that you were supporting causes that didn’t align with the party, I wasever so gentlytold it would never work.”

“So, you married my brother instead?” I deadpan, cocking my eyebrow.

Shutting her eyes tight, Jaclyn hides her face in my chest, her voice is muffled when she admits with a wince, “Yeah…”

“Why him? You said it yourself, you could’ve been with anyone in Washington.” It’s a risk asking, but curiosity gets the best of me. “Why Chris?”

“Would you like the real or the canned answer?” I don’t respond, though I’m no longer sure I want either. “I had to settle for second best.”

I huff a small laugh, kissing the top of her head, and that damn hum of hers is back as I whisper into her hair, “You’re full of shit, but I’m flattered.” We stand there for a moment, neither of us moving, while I selfishly pretend the world around us doesn’t exist and she could be mine. It’s only a matter of time before Jaclyn will be out of my life and back inhisarms, and the thought twists my heart. I take a deep breath and will away the fantasy. “All right, let’s get dressed, mess the room up a bit, and grab some breakfast.”

Chapter 11


Pulling up to an unmarked office building, I do my best to keep my expression neutral. I was an idiot thinking Chris would be in a typical hospital or medical facility—both of our fathers have access to armies of medical staff. The building passes as corporate offices; the perfect cover. Having been in an accident, Chris could be requiring anything from stitches to needing a new heart. I selfishly hope whatever it is will keep him here long enough for Alex to join me in Hawaii. Unlike when I’m with Chris, I can be myself with Alex, and two weeks where I don’t have to be picture-perfect sounds like a dream come true.

Alex opens my door and offers me his hand as I get out of the car. It’s wrong to want to keep my hand in his, but I do it anyway for as long as he’ll let me. I’m enjoying Alex’s innocent touches more than I should. The tug to be near him is unbearable—even though it goes againstmy better judgment. Holding his hand feels natural and keeps me grounded.

As he closes the car door, he makes no move to walk toward the building. “Don’t lie to him about me telling you everything.”

“Why not?” My brows pinch.

Reaching up to tuck my hair behind my ear, he replies, “Ignorance is bliss, princess.”

“What happened yesterday? Was Chris with another woman?” The words leave a sour taste in my mouth. I can turn a blind eye to his cheating—but on our wedding day? Surely, it’s not that hard to keep it in your pants foroneday.

“Did you wake up in another man’s arms this morning?” Alex smirks, and my chest constricts, my pulse thumping in my ears. “Don’t be a hypocrite. You’re better than that.”

He’s right; I’m absolutely a hypocrite.

“Will you be there with me?” I ask softly.

“No.” He shakes his head. “Chris won’t want to see me. I’ll wait outside the room for you.”

“You’re his brother. Of course he’ll want to see you.”

Alex places his hand on the car, pinning me in on one side. Leaning in, he whispers, “I slept with his wife. He won’t want to see me.”

Our faces only inches apart, my breath hitches at the thought of him closing the distance and kissing me. He probably tastes like coffee and cinnamon from the French toast he had for breakfast. My eyes search his, begging him to do it.

What the hell am I doing?

“We onlyslepttogether, Alex. I know you’re teasing, don’t make it sound like you wanted more than a glorified nap.”

“I thought I was clear what I would’ve done last night, if you were mine.” A devilish smirk dances on his lips, an adorable dimple appearing. My eyes fall to his mouth briefly, but when his small smile fades, I glance back up. He’s looking at the entrance of the building behind me. “Time to go find your Prince Charming and begin your happily ever after.” His gaze returns to me. “Come on, princess.”

Pushing off the car, he walks toward the building, and I follow two steps behind him. He stops abruptly, and I nearly run into him. “What’s wrong?”

“Don’t walk behind me,” he grumbles with a frown. “We’re equals. You walk beside me.”

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