Page 99 of Ruthless Mafia King

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Nikolai inhales deeply. “Tell me you’re not scared of me.”

I glance up at him and quickly realize what he’s worried about.

“Of course not, Nik,” I assure him, and when his eyes flicker down to meet mine, I continue, “I never feared you. I always knew there is more to you than meets the eye.”

“This life isn’t suited for you, serdtse,” he says in a whisper. “The very nature of what I am puts you in danger when you’re around me.”

“You’re forgetting that I was born into this life,” I remind him. “Bratva’s in my blood whether I want it or not. At least your business doesn’t bring you into the heart of it.”

“Sometimes, it does,” he counters.

“True,” I allow. “But most of your dealings are legal, aren’t they?”

“Yes and no,” he replies. “Most of the oil rigs follow the law, but the way I smuggle weapons into the country is illegal.”

“Well, I guess I can’t have it all.” I sigh. “At least you’re hot.”

He chuckles and then grimaces, tentatively touching his bruised ribs. “Don’t make me laugh, woman. It hurts.”

“I’m just stating a fact,” I retort.

He smiles and kisses the top of my head. “Sleep, moye serdtse. I’ve got you.”

“Promise you won’t disappear if I close my eyes?”

“Cross my heart,” Nikolai murmurs, and kisses me on the forehead. “I’ll be right here.”

With that reassurance, I shut my eyes. Surprisingly, despite the events of the night, it doesn’t take long before my brain deems it safe and allows me the rest I need. In a few minutes, I’m fast asleep in the arms of the man I love.



A persistent knocking on the door wakes us up. I groan into Katarina’s hair.

“Maybe if we don’t move, they’ll just go away,” she suggests.

“I seriously doubt it,” I mutter, and raise myself off the bed. Something tells me that the news we’re about to hear won’t be good.

I pull a shirt over my head and open the door. Roman’s on the other side, his eyes alert, his face grave. When he heard what happened, he offered to come by to watch my back until we find a temporary replacement for Ivan.

“What is it?” I ask, instinctively tensing.

“The Gargarins sent a messenger,” he informs me.

When he doesn’t continue, I raise my brow. “And? What’s the message?”

Roman glances over my shoulder and lowers his voice. “I think you should come with me.”

“Give me a minute,” I say and disappear into the bedroom to get fully dressed. Katarina’s sitting on the edge of the bed, tying her hair into a low ponytail. I watch her profile as she silently observes me from the corner of her eye.

“I need you to stay here,” I tell her. Though it’s an order, I’m trying to phrase it as a suggestion. “I have some things to take care of, but once that’s done, we’ll go see your family together.”

Katarina’s facial expression is stormy. I can tell she’s not fond of this development, but that’s not my main concern. The thought of a direct attack on me and the people closest to me isn’t far from my mind. I’m sure the Gargarins are angry about what happened last night. What I’m not sure about is if they know it was Fedot who attacked them.

“I won’t be kept in the dark,” she replies firmly. “I want to know everything that’s going on.”

I sigh. “There’s really no need for you to worry,” I reassure her. “Let me handle it.”

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