Page 88 of Ruthless Mafia King

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“I promise no tricks this time,” he tells me, noticing my hesitation. “I haven’t given you any reason to trust me. But I truly hope that you’ll give me a chance to make amends. I’d love to be a part of my grandson’s life.”

“Or granddaughter,” Katarina adds.

Dimitri’s mouth twitches. “Or granddaughter,” he allows, his eyes locked on mine. “What do you say?”

If I refuse now, I’ll be the bad guy. I often enjoy being one, but I don’t think Katarina would forgive me.

Family is important. Though mine was taken away from me, it doesn’t give me the right to take away hers.

The Sokolovs and the Volkovs must finally unite, or otherwise, there’ll never be peace. I see it as well as her father does. And now, there’s no more room for either of us to be hostile. Our families have been through too much. It’s time we bring that to an end.

“I’m doing this for your daughter,” I tell him. “And for my child.”

“That’s good enough,” Dimitri replies, nodding in acknowledgment. “You wouldn’t be the man she sees in you if you’d accepted for any other reason.”

“I also want an apology,” I say, knowing how important his pride is to him.

“I’m sorry, Nikolai, for your family and for the pain we have caused,” Dimitri says, and lets out a loud sigh. “Now, let’s put an end to this.”

“And Igor too,” I say, my eyes shifting to Dimitri’s oldest. “I want him to admit to killing my mother and my fiancée. I want him to tell me how sorry he is and how he has regretted it every day since.”

Dimitri’s still-extended hand shakes. He understands that this union isn’t only up to him anymore. It’s Igor who needs to humble himself in front of me and yield to my demands. This way, I’ll leave the past buried where it belongs, and Katarina will get her happily ever after. The rest is up to them and whatever god watches over them.

I’m satisfied when Igor’s shoulders drop, and he closes his eyes, submitting to me in front of his father. When his mouth opens to speak, he keeps his eyes fixed on mine.

“I’m deeply sorry for what I did,” he finally chokes out. “If I knew back then what I know now, I would not have run. I regret my actions every day.”

I feel the tension slowly slip away from me. I don’t need his full confession. As far as the world is concerned, it was a hit and run. If Igor continues on his misguided path, he’ll get his own punishment soon enough. I should keep my hands clean of his blood and focus on my unborn baby.

Turning back to Dimitri, I finally reach for his hand and shake it. The hold is strong on both ends, and we squeeze each other, our eyes meeting. In that moment, two powerful men make their peace.

This alliance can only prosper.



I’m going crazy.

I must be.

It’s the only way I can explain how I’m sitting in Dimitri Sokolov’s living room with a glass of vodka in my hand and Katarina by my side.

“We need your help, Nikolai,” Dimitri says, scratching his chin. “I’m afraid this mess is slightly bigger than we originally thought.”

“Yakov’s more impulsive than we expected,” I state, taking another sip. The drink feels good going down my throat, but it doesn’t help in easing my mind or focusing my thoughts. “He’s no longer just a thorn in our side. He’s a real threat. Sergey isn’t able to stop his own son when the little prick makes up his mind to do damage.”

“We have to fight back,” Igor demands, his chest puffing out. “Yakov came after Katarina. He came after me. It’s only a matter of time before he attacks again.”

“We don’t have enough men,” Aleksander interjects. He’s a lot smarter and calmer than his older brother. Igor has been nothing but hot air and piss ever since I met him.

“What exactly do you want from Nikolai, Papa?” Katarina asks, narrowing her eyes at her father as if she’s ready to jump to my defense. Despite the seemingly buried hatchet, my guard is still up. Dimitri betrayed me twice now, and I won’t be the fool who blindly walks into another trap of his making.

“Men and guns,” Dimitri replies with a nonchalant shrug.

“Not long ago, I had a conversation with your sons about this,” I tell him.

He raises his brow in question and glances at his sons.

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