Page 64 of Ruthless Mafia King

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Nikolai tilts his head back and laughs. It’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard, and it makes my heart swell to know that I’m responsible for it.

“You’re something else, you know that?” he muses, and tucks a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

“I know.” I rise to my feet.

As much as I’d love to stay in bed with him the entire morning, I’m starving. I need a good, proper meal in me, or I won’t be able to function. Not to mention the wine we consumed.

“Leaving already?” Nikolai asks, getting up after me.

“Only to the kitchen.” I grin. “I’m hungry.”

“You should put something on,” he says quickly, and jumps out of bed before I can open the door. “The house is full of people. I wouldn’t want them to lose their eyes because you couldn’t be bothered to put on a shirt.”

I grin again. “Why? Are you planning to follow me around and fend off any wolf that looks my way?”

“Damn right, I will,” he growls.

It’s a statement I take to heart, just as much as him agreeing to let me go. His actions do make me feel like we are real partners. Lovers. I’m not so sure I can trust him just yet, but it seems he’s willing to work toward that.

“Let me grab you some clothes from downstairs,” he suggests. “I won’t be but a minute.”

He presses a quick kiss against my lips and walks out of the room, only a pair of boxers hiding his long cock. It makes me forget my own name for a second before I snap out of it and go into his ensuite bathroom.

I wash my face and pull my hair back in a bun, then look for a new toothbrush. When I can’t find one, I decide to use Nikolai’s. It’s his fault that he didn’t plan ahead.

It takes me a few minutes to get dressed in my clothes from the previous night, and as I open the door to the bedroom again, the delicious smell of eggs and bacon wafts through the air.

“I thought you went to get me my clothes, big guy,” I say as I come upon his broad back. His back muscles shift and flex when he moves his arm. It’s almost hypnotizing.

“I figured something else out,” he replies, adding more salt to his eggs. “I wanted to keep you for myself a while longer before I take you out and introduce you to everybody.”

I huff. “What a charmer. Let me eat, and then you can show me how generous you’ve been.”

His gray gaze scans me as he lifts the small plate of food to my eyes.

I’m so starved and sleepy that I grab it from him and take a large bite of the omelet. Damn, that’s good. It’s perfectly seasoned and cooked, with crunchy bacon and no soggy bits.

“Please tell me you have a cup of coffee somewhere on that tray,” I plead.

Nikolai lifts a mug and offers it to me. Gratefully, I take the warm beverage to my lips and revel in its bitter taste.

“You seem distracted,” Nikolai comments after a beat.

“Are you kidding?” I grin, stuffing my mouth with food. “After having sex with someone, I’m usually either slipping out of the room before they wake up, or they disappear on me before I realize they were in my bed in the first place. This is an entirely new experience.”

Nikolai’s face darkens. “I’m sure you mean well, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention guys from your past. From now on, no one else exists. You’re mine.”

The sentiment shouldn’t warm my heart, but it does. I feel as if his words are starting to have real weight. Those casual flings are something long gone, something I don’t remember anymore because I’m full of Nikolai Volkov.

“You’re right,” I reply after a long pause. “I don’t think I’d like to hear about your past girlfriends either.”

“They’re forgotten,” he assures me. “Same as you’re mine, I’m also yours. It goes both ways, serdtse.”

The smile he offers is contagious. Perhaps I feel happier than ever before, and he’s responsible for it.

“That sounds fair,” I say, nodding my head.

He points at my plate. “Eat up. You need to regain your strength if you’re to keep up with me.”

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