Page 32 of Ruthless Mafia King

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“That will never happen,” she promises, and her expression turns into a venomous mask.

“We’ll see,” I retort. I ease off the bed and dust invisible lint off my suit.

Katarina climbs across the king-size bed, scrambling away from me and putting distance between us.

“Is there anything else you want?” I ask, glancing around the empty room. “Some books you’d like to read? A table maybe? Some workout equipment?”

“I have everything I need,” she answers, gesturing around her. “Except freedom, of course. That’s the most important thing.”

“Earn it,” I simply repeat, and turn toward the door.

I make my way back into the foyer and hurry to Ivan. The men have already been briefed on Katarina’s presence. On my orders, they won’t enter the tunnels without my permission. Except for Olga bringing her food, no one is allowed to have contact with Katarina.

She’s my little secret.

“What’s new with Yakov?” I ask Ivan as he falls in step beside me.

“He doesn’t seem to have any lasting injuries.”

“Should we expect trouble?” I inquire with a frown.

“I would keep an eye on the Gargarins for the time being,” Ivan replies, his deep voice quiet. “We don’t want to be caught off guard in case they decide to come after us.”

“Agreed,” I say with a nod. “Did the word spread about Katarina’s disappearance yet?”

“No, boss.”

“That’s good,” I say, my mind running through possible scenarios of what the next few weeks could bring. “Dimitri is too careful to be followed, so make sure that your man continues tailing Igor.”

“Roger that.”

I retreat to my home office to call Roman. As expected, he answers on the first ring.

“Do we know who’s responsible for our Serbian disaster?” I ask him in lieu of a greeting.

Roman lets out a long sigh. “I’m close to having an answer, but I need more time.”

“Find the culprit and call me.”

I need an answer to the constant headache that refuses to stop. Having a pissed-off Yakov out there isn’t something I’ll enjoy. He’s famous for his temper and vengefulness. With his sister disgraced, he’s eager to take his anger out on Katarina. I wouldn’t want even my worst enemy to land in his cruel hands.

It’s only a matter of time before Dimitri finds out Katarina is missing and turns his attention to me. I’ll have to make it clear to him that her life depends on me staying alive and unhurt.

“I will,” Roman replies. “Is it true that Katarina is your captive now?”

“She’s exactly where she’s supposed to be,” I tell him.

“It’s risky.”

“No one will interfere, not until I want them to,” I tell him, making sure to sound convincing. “Besides, a life without risks is not worth living.”

“Easy for you to say.” He sighs. “You’re Nikolai Volkov. You’re the most resilient man I’ve ever met. It’s the people you surround yourself with that might get caught in the crossfire. Myself included.”

I let the comment go. There’s no use in arguing, and considering Ivan and Roman are my oldest friends, I’m glad they know how to speak their minds.

“I got to go,” Roman says quickly.

“Yes,” I say. “Call me when you have something to report.”

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