Page 98 of Candy & Her Saints

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He holds them out as an offering on his palm to Lincoln.

The cufflinks are glittering peacocks with aquamarine eyes. The tails are encrusted with emeralds and sapphires.

“The peacocks are me,” Thomas says with a self-deprecating smile. “My sister gave them to me. The bond with a twin is like they’re another half of your soul. Nobody understands it. I miss Mercy and I know that she’d like you. She’s found a pack who loves her like she deserves and she’s been desperate for me to find the same. I want you to have something that means a lot to me. When Mercy was bonded against her will, I wore these cufflinks every day. So, they’re precious to me. I thought that you could wear them, when you’re not working.”

“I love them.” Lincoln gently takes the cufflinks. “Can I wear them? Just today?”

Thomas nods.

Lincoln slides the cufflinks through the slits on his cuffs like a ritual. “I’ve never owned anything like this. Are you certain that I can keep them? They’re too expensive for a bodyguard and—”

“Love,” Thomas says, softly, “you’re my Beta now. I’m sorry for every day that your old pack made you feel unworthy of food or new clothes. I told you that I noticed everything: how Candy had to share her lunch with you every day because your pack expected you to go hungry or the way that you were given detentions for lacking basic school supplies. But I care for everyone in my pack. Plus, now that you’re going to be my bonded Beta, you’ll have to let me spoil you. It’s part of the whole deal. You deserve the world, and I’m going to work my ass off to give it to you.”

My chest tightens.

Please let Lincoln believe him.

Lincoln’s hand shakes. He looks away like he’s not able to speak for a long moment.

Then he steels himself, and his gaze is challenging when it meets Thomas’. “I’m not bonded to you yet.”

Thomas gives a delighted laugh. “Are you telling me to shut the fuck up and bite you?”

Lincoln winks. “I’m saying, get up here, peacock, and fucking bite me.”

Thomas growls and surges up.

He shoves Lincoln onto his back next to me in a move that knocks the breath out of him. Then he grips him hard by the hair, yanking his head to the side to bare his neck.

It’s fucking hot to see such powerful men together like this.

They’re finding it hot too by the way that their pupils are dilated.

“Lincoln, will you accept the bond of the Saint pack?” Thomas snarls.

“Fuck, yeah.” Lincoln bares his neck further in invitation. “I love you.”

Thomas hesitates in shock at Lincoln’s heartfelt words. Then his eyes darken. He growls as he bites, rougher and harder than he bit me.

Yet Lincoln’s groan is all pleasure.

Lincoln arches underneath Thomas, and his eyelashes flutter closed. His limbs become loose like he’s drugged.

Thomas draws back, licking over the bond bite possessively. Then he sits up.

I cradle Lincoln’s head on my lap, carding my fingers through his hair.

“He’ll be okay soon.” Thomas draws the back of his knuckles gently down Lincoln’s cheek. “Make sure that he knows he has two weeks bond leave. That’s mandatory. He doesn’t need to work, but I have no doubt that he’ll still want to care for his charge.”


Ice water dowses me. My joy is extinguished.

Even in the midst of everything — surviving my heat and discovering that I’m fated mates — how could I have forgotten my real mission here with Lincoln?

How could I have forgotten the male Omega?

Thomas hasn’t noticed my reaction. Instead, he’s stood up, smoothing out his suit.

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